Nie znam kilku zwrotów w tym 4 minutowym wywiadzie, proszę o pomoc.
Tu zapisałem większość treści, mam problem ze słowami które zastąpiłem ***********, domyślam się, że poza tym w tekście mogą być jakieś błędy, więc jak coś to też prosze o korektę.
-There has never been a good film based on video game.
-what in the name of ***************** ("banking liss gottie" - tak to słyszę, może chodzi o nazwisko? sprawdzałem movie crew, ale nie znalazłem nikogo o takim) made you think this won't be any different
-oh, jeez **********************************************
his name is anonymous with no hair, but yeah i do definitly is good ******("gottie")
- the mistake has been made that a lot of film tries to mimic, you know, the video game itself.
So, there was no sense of reality and the action wasn't based on the storyline. And this one we all decided, it have to be different from the oryginal game in a lot of ways. While staying true obviously many the aspects will have to be based on sth new.
-Now, let's talk accents. Your english accent in this film is better then mine. How did it happen?
-It is. You have a terrible english accent. I really not buying it. Can you just talk the way you normaly talk?
tutaj szybkie proste zwrosty docinki.
- I can tell you where prince Dastan was brought up, i can tell you what street he lives in the W5 on North 19, London. I can tell you what school he went to.
- And W5? really?
- He can ******** the street, apparently
- I lovin' him so much. Well, i wanted go ***** (teeth? :D ) for the movie, and unfortunately i can't have one
because he ****** they were like "no, no, no" ********("Sebends" - możlwie że chodzi o nazwisko) will gonna doing "gottie", and
unfortunettly you have to grow your hair long.
- I just ****** of working a lot of time. You know, I was nervous about it cause i know there is a lot of ****** for american
doing british accent, and a lot of, again. like video game to movie adaptations, a lot of actors who would not pull off british
accent, so.
To rozumiem, bardzo śmieszne swoją drogą :)
Ale gdy mówią o literach 'L' w jego nazwisku - "the be-2 ones starts at the begining is ******"
Potem gdy interviewer mówi aktorce, o tym jak "prawidłowo" wymawia się nazwisko aktora:
-Yes, we are all wrong. But it doesn't really have the ring, the movie star ring. => o co tu chodzi?
- You look very sexy in the film, not as sexy as Arterton
- that was a good save, man.
-very sexy nonetheless
- how you buff up, how you get this pecs?
- Well, it was basically, eee, first i grow the hairs, which took 6 months and that was a long process.
When, what i do was daily, daily regular exercise of bathing 3 to 4 times a day, so shampoo and conditioner,
not a 2 in 1, Really shampoo AND conditioner. That a secret that a lot of people don't know about it now. First shampoo
which really work the biceps. If you really scrub the scalp, and than triceps work with conditioning at least 3 or 5 minutes
whith each one. And at least 3 or 5 times a day. And then if you really bath, you really *********************
- Thats extraordinary. It is all done on the shower?
-On the shower. And also diet was basically shower water and occassionally a little bits of soap :)
- purely cosmetic.
- oh yeah. *************
- Ingenious.