jak myslicie dobrze napisałem list ?

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hi michael
How are you? Thank you very much for your gift.

How did you know that the more I like the nike ball with which you sent me.
Memory-I see you're good enough not to have seen more and you know what I like, and how are you doing in school, you still have the threat with mathematics,

I write to you but somehow it fell out of my head, a lot has changed unas after you went to England, we tore down our basketball court which has always played, and they closed the pool who always went every Sunday, things have changed after you departed

What are you doing this weekend? You can visit my in Poland? What are you thinking about this ? I am waiting for your answer. Bye michael
sprawdzcie i poprawcie mi ten list
How did you know that 'the more I like' (tu jest pokrecone, pomysl i popraw) the nike ball 'with' (po co to?) which you sent me.
'Memory' (nie wiem co to slowo tutaj robi?)-I see you're good enough not to have seen more and you know what I like, and how are you doing in school, you still have the threat with mathematics,

I (tutaj trzeba cos dodac) write to you but somehow it fell out of my head, a lot has changed 'unas' (a teraz po ang) after you went to England, we tore down our basketball court which 'has always played' (cos tu nie tak) , and they closed the pool 'who' (to jest zle slowo, ale brakuje innych) always went every Sunday, things have changed after you departed

'You can' CAN YOU visit 'my' (moje? to jest zle slowo) in Poland? What 'are' DO you 'thinking' (tutaj simple) about this ?
, and how are you doing in school, you still have the threat with mathematics,

jezeli to sa pytania to odpowiednio zaznacz i zformuluj inaczej druga czesc. A "have the threat" ja bym zmienil na inne slowo. /w sensie spanikowany ...tylko sugestia./
edytowany przez fui_eu: 05 maj 2012
no ok
Hello Michael how are you? Thank you very much for your gift.How did you know you are still I like the ball from Nike, which sent me, I see that you have a good memory, some friends would zapomnieli.A you what you still have the threat of mathematics, I know a good coach from England is a good friend of my dad so how will wanted to give you leads.Well I remembered that I had you now have to write that much has changed unas, basketball court where we played always destroyed completely, a lot of things have changed when we go out you and thou knowest ludzii there some interesting and fun to you live there?, you have an interesting place to meet up with friends?And what are you doing this weekend? can visit me in Poland? What do you think? I look forward to your odpowiedz.Heloo Michael write me this letter into English so that it is properly written will be grateful I am weak in English. pomozecie mi i poprawicie ten list bd wdzieczny
would zapomnieli

wszystko jasne
marnujesz nasz czas, dajac nam teksty z translatora
nie bądzcie tacy sam sobie nie dam rady
jeśli sam napisałbyś ten list uzyskałbyś tę pomoc.
tylko ja niewiem jak zacząć itp
trzymajcie mnie.
masz w internecie wzory listów, to takie trudne zajrzeć do książki lub do neta??
dobra dobra już sam piszę list nie chciało mi się robić i dlatego dałem tu post
to dlaczego ściemniałeś nas, że nie potrafisz tego zrobić??
bo nie jestem za dobry z angielskiego i wiem że bym ten list żle napisał
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