proszę sprawdzcie czy to jest napisane poprawnie gramatycznie- i czy nie ma błędów - thx
My niece Anna, my sister`s daughter, is seven years old. She`s quite tall for her age (about 130), and very slim my sister thinks she dosen`t eat enough. I think she`s very pretty. She`s blonde, with straight hair and a fringe which is always getting in her eyes. She usually wears jeans and T-shirts-she hates wearing dresses.
My cousin Jim is in his thirties, about 34 or 35. He`s well-built and not exactly fat, short. He`s got dark hair and a beard and moustache. He usually wears formal clothes, dark suit and ties, because he works in a bank.
mam też test z gramatyki , który został umieszczony we wcześniejszym postcie "test-z gramatyki (pp i ppc)", jak się nie boicie gramatyki to proszę Was sprawdzcie-test jest krótki.