Pomoc w teście z ksiązki intelig.bussines.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A. GIVE English equivalents:

1.wydobywczy sektor przemysłowy - na ang.
2.zjawisko wycinania lasów równikowych
3.technologia kontroli , namierzania , nadzoru -
4.unikanie nie porozumień pomiędzy kulturami -
5.przemysł przetwórczy-

B. Finish collecatrions:
1 banking ....................
3.to provide .............................
4.to avoid ...................................
5..................... industry
6.......................... are sky-rocketing
7.substantial ...................
8.............................. on payments and deals
9. a mountain of .............
10. ......................... machinery

C. Finish these senteces
1. When your work together in a virual team you have to ..... ( partner ? :D )
2.If you must say something negative in an e-mail , you must also .....................
3.modern technology makes comminication ................
4.i make deals with .................
5.i gather data of my clients about their ....................

D. SOme grammar: write questions
1.............................. ?
Not much . I am afraid . My knowledge of volecanes is very basic.
The average time for each session per a website is 3 minutes
3....................................... ?
"dormant" mans that such a volcano can awake at any time
4..................................................... ?
You are responsible for dealing wirth first-class clietns, so you must always look good ?
It has never been proved that columbus was the very first Europcan to discover a the World .

Nigdy sobię nie radziłem z angielskim mimo , że próbowałem ..
Jeżeli ktoś mi pomoże będę naprawdę wdzięczny .
Do tych cwiczen to chyba jakas czytanka czy lekcja jest, nie?