List formalny/reklamacja/ - sprawdzenie pod wzgl. gramatyki

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Bardzo proszę czy by mógł ktoś rzucić okiem na list (reklamacja zamówionego kursu angielskiego) - szczególnie chodzi mi o kwestie gramatyczne.

Dear Mr Włodarczyk,

Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to complain about the “Easy Lingua” course which I purchased from your company over the Internet four weeks ago. In fact, I have already written to your secretary’s office about the problem but unfortunately nothing has changed.
I would like to express my strong dissatisfaction with the product that I received.
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I expected to receive my order within a week but I had to wait for over two weeks. Contrary to the description on the internet page I must paid 5 euro postage and packing.
To make matters worse I purchased English course but I received French course. Failed the mention that the product that I have received was incomplete. Your advertisement promised that there would be twelve CDs but in my delivery was only ten and one of them was scratched. I am of the opinion that this is totally disregard of customers.
The thing which I mainly cannot accept is that yours twenty-four-hours helpline with qualified teachers was all the time engaged. They could have advised me if I had got through, but it was impossible.
Finally, I totally fail to comprehend how you can describe that the course takes only 28 days. I have calculated that in order to complete the exercises suggested, it would take closer to 40 days.
Taking into consideration all the trouble I experienced, I hope I can expect a complete refund of everything that I have paid. Unless satisfactory compensation is offered I will have no other choice but to take legal action.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Katarzyna K.

Sprawdzalam na szybko i wychwycilam pare bledow.

- must paid
- disregard - zly przyimek
- yours helpline
- was po delivery (piszesz o 10 plytach)
- all the trouble I HAVE experienced (jakos bardziej mi tutaj pasuje Present Perfect).
-Unless satisfactory compensation is offered I will have no other choice but to take legal action - w tym zdaniu przecinek jeszcze

"They could have advised me if I had got through, but it was impossible." - tego zdania troszke nie rozumiem.
edytowany przez CinderellaGirl: 04 cze 2012
Following our telephone conversation OF yesterday, I am writing to complain about the “Easy Lingua” course which I purchased from your company over the Internet four weeks ago. In fact, I have already written to your secretary’s office about the problem (przecinek przed 'but') but unfortunately nothing has changed.
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I expected to receive my order within a week but I had to wait for over two weeks. Contrary to the description on the internet page I 'must' HAD TO 'paid' PAY 5 Euro postage and packing.
To make matters worse I purchased (przedimek) English course but I received (przedimek) French course. (kto? co? musisz napisac) HAVE failed the mention that the product that I have received was incomplete. Your advertisement promised that there would be twelve CDs but in my delivery THERE was only ten and one of them was scratched.

I am of the opinion that this is (przedimek) 'totally' (zla czesc mowy) disregard of customers.
The thing which I mainly cannot accept is that 'yours' YOUR twenty-four-hours helpline with qualified teachers was (daj tutaj 'engaged') all the time. 'engaged' (w zlym miejscu). They could have advised me if I had BEEN ABLE TO 'got' GET through, but 'it' THAT was impossible.
Taking into consideration all the trouble I experienced, I hope I can expect a 'complete' FULL refund of everything that I have paid.

I look forward (nie I am looking forward...)
Following our conversation OF yesterday - niekoniecznie. Mozna zostawic to zdanie bez OF i jest okay.

Failed the mention that - nie wspominajac o... - mysle, ze ten zwrot moze zostac uzyty bezosobowo.

A i Terry, disregard - uzyla zlego przyimka - powinno byc disregard FOR.

i tam po delivery powinno byc WERE - niby mowia, ze jezeli nie jestemy pewni, to bezpieczniej dawac czasownik, ktory okresla ten najblizszy obok niego rzeczownik (tutaj: delivery, moze byc mylace), ale tutaj wyraznie jest mowa o 10 plytach, stad powinno byc WERE.
edytowany przez CinderellaGirl: 04 cze 2012
>>>>Following our conversation OF yesterday - niekoniecznie. Mozna zostawic to zdanie bez OF i jest okay.
Podstawa: - zacytuj....

>>>>Failed the mention that - nie wspominajac o... - mysle, ze ten zwrot moze zostac uzyty bezosobowo. tutaj nie jest wyraznie napisane, kto 'failed to mention' , nie mozemy sie domyslac...

>>>A i Terry, disregard - uzyla zlego przyimka - powinno byc disregard FOR. Nie, bo to ma byc ...disregard of customers, nie disregard for customers...

i tam po delivery powinno byc WERE - tu masz racje, nie zauwazylam tego.
mozna zostawić bez of
roznica jest taka:
bez of: w nawiazaniu do naszej rozmowy wczoraj
z of: w nawiazaniu do naszej rozmowy z dnia wczorajszego/w dniu wczorajszym

informal vs formal
Wlasnie przeczytalam, ze disregard for i disregard of, sa uzywane naprzemiennie i maja bardzo podobne znaczenie.
it was a disregard of
he shows disregard for
Czyli w tym kontekscie chyba bardziej pasuje FOR.

I am of the opinion that this is totally disregard for customers.
przecież jest po czasowniku 'to be'.
IMO, zdanie o otrzymaniu materialow do kursu w zlym jezyku powinno byc opuszczone.
Cytat: CinderellaGirl
Czyli w tym kontekscie chyba bardziej pasuje FOR.
I am of the opinion that this is totally disregard for customers.

I am of the opinion that this is a TOTAL disregard of customers. (znaczy ze oni maja customers w d... a nie ze to robi sie 'dla' customers) - ja to tak widze.

z tym 'of' yesterday - (wiecej formalne) ale to ja moze uzywam dlatego,m ze jestem juz b. stara i tak mnie uczono.
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