This is she. / This is her.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
This is she.
Look, it's they.
This is her
Look, it's them.

Kiedy używa się "subject" i "object" personal pronouns* w formie dopełnienia? Wiem na pewno, że This is she i This is her można używać wymiennie w niektórych kontekstach, np.

Hello, is this Ann?"
- Yes, this is she.
- Yes, this is her.

tyle że, ta pierwsza forma jest poprawna, jednakże drugiej częściej się używa

* żebysmy się w terminach nie pogubili, to stąd je zaczerpnąłem
In this situation Ann would answer ‘This is she/her’ only if she is a doped lunatic.
If Ann is a normal person speaking English, she goes like “ It’s me’ or ‘speaking’.
The response from in its subjective form ‘It’s I or ‘This is she’ is highly stilted.
Basically, traditional case distinctions do not operate here any longer for this quote,” traditionally ‘correct’ use of the subjective form”, unquote.

>>w formie dopełnienia?

Just to make it clear. It’s the case of the pronoun here that is objective, ok, but the pronoun itself is in the form of the subject complement, not the object.
you got me wrong. I think the context of 'Yes, this is she.' goes like that someone found a toy laying on his neighbor's front yard, and may know the owner', so he goes to their house and... he goes to their house and... and like points out to that doll, saying : That's she over there ?
Ok, why not.

p.s. But the object pronoun would be more usual, I guess.
lying on.. , not laying
edytowany przez savagerhino: 25 cze 2012
I'm all at sea.. in which contexts can I use 'This is she./her.'?

while pointing at sb/sth?
(I'm describing a picture) 'I mentioned Elizabeth, didn't I?' (I'm poinitng out her) 'This is she/her! Her hair wasn't so curly...'

while indicating ownership?
(I am passing by a builing and my friend asks) 'Is this The Harley Davidson Club?' 'Yes, it is they./them.'

while talking on the phone?
'Is this The Harley Davidson Club?' 'Yes, it is they./them.'

none of the above? Please provide the context, then.
edytowany przez Tommyek: 25 cze 2012
while talking on the phone?
'Is this The Harley Davidson Club?' 'Yes, it is they./them.'
Ja bym odpowiedzial "Yes, it is"/"No, it's not". /tak samo w drugim pytaniu?
W pierwszym, "This is her"
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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