Executions in Saudi Arabia - sprawdzenie tekstu

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Witam, czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić tekst pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym?

1) Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where the death sentence is still intended as the penalty for offences such as murder, rape, adultery or magic. Who commits a crime, is beheaded in public.

2) From a loudspeaker is getting out a garbled voice that presents the offences of the beheaded person: rape, drug trafficking and possesion. The executioner Abdallah Al-Bishi is wiping with a cloth the blood from his sword an putting it again in a scabbard. ''When I felt pity/sympathy for the people I execute, they would suffer. When the heart is sympathetic/pitying, the hand can refuse'' he told the television station Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation.

3)Abdallah Al-Bishi is one of the altogether 6 executioners in Saudi-Arabia. He with his work-mates executed, beheaded 102 people in 2008. Although he death sentence doesn't represent a direct violation of Human Rights, the United Nations call on their member states to do away with the death penalty. The end of 2007 the UNGA passed a resolution for the worldwide stop of executions.

1 bez przecinka przed is
2 pierwsze zdanie zly szyk
A gardled voice from a loudspeaker presents...
with a cloth w zlym miejscu
L...B...C.. channel
one of a total of
together with his... he executed...
he death sentence?
at the end of 2007
a worldwide ban on executions
Although * the death sentence doesn't represent a direct violation of Human Rights
The executioner Abdallah Al-Bishi is wiping the blood from his sword with a cloth ?
ok ok
edytowany przez piotrek3210: 12 lip 2012
>>>The executioner Abdallah Al-Bishi is wiping with a cloth the blood from his sword an putting it again in a scabbard.

...is wiping (co?) the blood (czym?) with a cloth (skąd?gdzie?) from his sword and putting it again inTO his scabbard
lub:...is wiping (co?) the blood (czym?) with a cloth (skąd?gdzie?) from his sword and sheathing it again.

mógł by mi ktoś sprawdzić drugą część tekstu?

4) The islamic legal system Scharia is the law in Saudi-Arabia. According to it every person can be sentenced to death for some different offences. Just like several months ago, as the Labanese Schiita A.H. Sibat was surprised by the religious police on the pilgrimage to Medina and arrested in his hotel. He was charged with having predicted people's destiny and it'd mean magic. "A little later he was taken to court and as sorcerer he was sentenced to death." Wilcke said.

5) Some come from abroad.
The majority of the condemned people come from abroad. According to Amnesty Inernational, 104 of a total of 140 accused have a foreign origin. Fortunately A.H. Sibat knows Arabian. To the people from further countries that don't know Arabian are neither interpreter nor legal adviser available. That's why they can't defend theirself. The are appropriately quick sentenced to death.

4) According to it every person can be sentenced to death for 'some different' (cos mi to nie gra tutaj, popraw) offences. Just like several months ago, 'as' WHEN the Labanese Schiita A.H. Sibat was surprised by the religious police on 'the' A pilgrimage to Medina and arrested in his hotel. He was charged with having predicted people's destiny and 'it'd' (napisz to w calosci) mean magic.

5) To the people from further countries that don't know Arabian 'are neither interpreter nor legal adviser available' (zmien to, to troche maslo maslane. That's why they can't defend 'theirself' (calkowicie zle slowo, popraw). The are appropriately 'quick' (zla czesc mowy) sentenced to death.

Wilcke said.

What is this referring to, i.e. who is Wilcke?
Cytat: fui_eu
Wilcke said.

What is this referring to, i.e. who is Wilcke?

That's a good query. I don't know either what 'it' relates to.

'According to it every person...' - I'd rather use a comma after 'it'.
sentenced to death for a lot of different offences.

and it would mean magic.

a w 5:

That's why they can't defend themselves. The are appropriately quickly sentenced to death.
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