takie tam ... proszeo pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Do you use computers or audio CDs when you study? How do they help you?

Yes, I use computer or audio Cds when I study. They are very useful in studing because if I have a connection with the Internet I can find some informations that helps me in learning. I also listen Cds in english and try to learn a pronunciation.
I either use computer for an entertainemnet. I talk with some people in Gadu- Gadu , ( no i jak jest serfowac po internecie ) and listen to music.
..I use A computer/albo/computers..... studYing,
some informatioN that might help me with my studies.
I also listen TO CDs ... try to learn THE pronunciation of words.
I either use computers for entertainment (bez 'an') albo 'as a form of entertainment'.
-for surfing the Internet- and TO listen to music.


FCE - sesja zimowa 2005