Praca - moze ktos sprawdzic ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Ułóż dialog - zamów obiad w restauracji.

A: Good Morning!
B: Good Morning!
A: Can I help you?
B: Can I have menu?
A: Yes of course, here you are.
B: Can I have chips and chicken.
A: Anything drink ?
B: Can I have a cap of tea.
A: Anything else ?
B: No, thank you!
A: Here you are, bon appetit.
B: Can I have a bill, please?
A: Ł 11

2. Opisz dowolonie wybraną ilustracje (minimum 100 słów)

3. Opisz swoją rodzinę. Jak wygląda typowy dzień twojej rodziny.

My family consists of my mather, father and sister. My sister name`s Aleksandra. She's 24 years old. She is a blonde. She is short. My sister is a student.
My father have 53 years old. He is tall and he is dark - haired man. His job a policeman.
My mather have 43 yeare old. She is a blonde. She is tall and slim. She is a unemployed.

Ours typical day. In the morning we eat together breakfast.After breakfast me father go to the work, my mather cooking dinner and clin. My sister go to collage. I go the work. When my sister come back of collage she help mather cook dinner. When I and me father come back from work we eat together dinner and watching TV. After dinner I play in the computer with my father. My sister study a my mother go to walk in my dog.

4. Napisz list do swojego przyjaciela, w którym opiszesz mu jak wygląda twoja praca, życie rodzinne oraz o tym jak spedzasz czas wolny.

Dear Daniel,
Hi. How are you? I fine. In the this month I find new job. I`m doctor. I help ill people. This job is satisfaction. I go to work at 7 o`clock. I finish work at 3 P.M o`clock, but sometimes after work i have visit at patient. In free time I with my family go to the cinema and walk. Usually friday I help my sister to learn.In the wekeend I with me friend go to the party in the club. When a have time to oneself I read book and listen the music. In this way I to kick back.

Love Bartek.


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