Proszę o sprawdzenie pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Why do thousands of people every day let the plan strain?
Because traveling by plain is, in my opinion the best way to travel.
Firstly, it’s a quick way to travel,
because you can travel a great distance in a little time.
Futhermore it’s a safe way to travel because there are fewer accidents than with other means of transport. You don’t have to worry about traffic jams or other problems that you find on the roads. Also traveling by plain is relaxing and you can enjoy a meal and a film on most flights . In addition you can enjoy the beautiful view behind the window.
On the other hand although plains are fast and relaxing, many people say that plain fares are too expensive. Tickets usually cost a lot of money. Futhermore it’s not very comfortable way, because the seats are very close together.
All in all, I think that although travel by plain can be expensive it is worth it. There are no traffic jams and it’s a great experience! So, next time you have to make a journey, why not try traveling by plain and see what a difference it makes?


FCE - sesja zimowa 2005