korekta wypracowania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moze ktoś sprawdzić mi czy owe opowiadanie nie zawiera błędów .

On the 1 st May I started the day as usual. I woke up ready for another boring day at school but I didn’t realise what will happen later.
When I was on my math lesson suddenly the fire alarm was started ringing. At the first time we didn’t know what was wrong but when we saw the smoke we realised that it was really fire.
Meanwhile everybody was started to panic my classmate Igor kept calm. He wanted to master the situation as soon as possible because the fire was still rising up. After this firefighters came but they couldn’t find the way to rescue us. The most of my classmates lost consciousuess because of heavy smoke. Igor ran down skipping the obstacles and after this he reached main entrance. he was looking for some tools to destroy the door. Thankfully he found an axe in school keeper’s room. Just then he destroyed a door and he showed a rescue team the way to us. Firefighters entered the school and they rescued everybody. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.
Few weeks later, Igor got a medal and money prize for his heroism and courage. Everybody was grateful to him for saving their live. People should learn from Igor his abilities as same as he learned them from his father who was the firefighter

Jezeli zawiera to prosze o poprawienie i pogrubienie poprawionej czesci z gory dziekuje

On the {1st of} May I started the day as usual. I woke up ready for another boring day at school{,} but I didn’t {suspect} what {was going to} happen later.
When I was {in} my math lesson{,} suddenly{,} the fire alarm {} started ringing. At {} first{,} we didn’t know what was wrong{,} but when we saw the smoke we realised that {there was a} fire.
{At one point,} everybody {} started to panic{,but} my classmate Igor kept calm. He wanted to master the situation as soon as possible because the fire {kept spreading}. After {a while,}firefighters came{,} but they couldn’t find the way to rescue us. {} Most of my classmates lost {consciousness} because of heavy smoke. Igor ran down {avoidng} the obstacles and after {that}he reached {the (school's)} main {exit}. He was looking for some tools to {smash} the door. Thankfully{,} he found an axe in {the} school keeper’s room. Just then{,} he destroyed {the} door and he showed {the} rescue team the way to us. Firefighters entered the school and they {(eventually)} rescued everybody. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.
{A few} weeks later, Igor got a medal and {cash reward} for his heroism and courage. Everybody was grateful to him for saving their {lives}. People should learn from Igor his abilities {in the} same {way} as he learned them from his father{,} who was* {a} firefighter {(himself)}.

jezeli w tamtym czasie ojciec Igora zyl, bedzie forma was; jezeli juz nie zyl, had been
Dziękuje slicznie :)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie