
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
We (wait) will wait here until the rain(stop) stops
nie jestem pewny, ale czy w zdaniu tym można użyć Present Perfect? has stopped. uważam, że Present Simple jest dobrą opcją, ale Present Perfect też tu pasuje. czy mam rację?
i tak samo w tym przykładzie
We (climb) will climbe over the wall as soon as it (get) gets lub has got

i jeszcze proszę os prawdzenie jednego zdania
When I (see) see you tomorrow, I(tell) will tell you my news
1 pres perf ok
2 zdanie nieskonczone
3 ok
czyli w 2 present perf. cont.?
bo simple present jest ok chyba
zdanie nr 2 jest niedokonczone, brakuje slowa lub slow, przepisz lepiej
jeszcze mam takie zadanko, którego nie jestem do końca pewny, prosiłbym również o sprawdzenie :)

Have you ever wondered what exactly (1) you will be doing(you do) in ten years time? Well, according to computer expert Tom Vincent, computers WILL SOON BE ABLE (soon be able) to make accurate predictions about the future. Professor Vincent, from Cambridge University, IS HOLDING (hold) a press conference next week to describe the computer which he calls Computeerfuture. This computer can tell us what life WILL BE (be) like, based on data describing past events, explains Professor Vincent. For example, Computerfuture can predict how many people WILL BE LIVING/ WILL LIVE(TU CHYBA NIE MA RÓŻNICY JAKIEGO " CZASU " UŻYJE (live) in a particular area, or whether there WILL BE (be) a lot of rain during a particular period. Professor Vincent also believes that by the year 2050, computers WILL HAVE REPLACED(replace) teachers, and WILL ALSO DO (also do) most of the jobs now being done by the police. Computers are becoming more intelligent all the time, says Professor Vincent. Soon they WILL BE DIRECTING (direct) traffic and WILL BE TEACHING (teach) our children. And telling us about the future.
We (climb) will climbe over the wall as soon as it (get) gets lub has got dark.
climb, oba czasy ok
a to następne zadanie??
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.