Proszę o poprawe

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zad 1

1) My mobile phone ________ (steal) from my bag last night
2) A new hospital ________(build) in our town right now
3) When I walked into the office, I realized we ______(rob)
4)People should_________(fine) for parking in spaces for disabled people.
5)The thief run out of the back door to avoid ________(catch) by the police
6)It _________(believe) that crime is increasing in this country
7)While my car________(repair) last week I had to walk to work everyday
8) The thief_______(say) to be a tall, thin man with local accent

1) was stolen
2)is being built
3)were robed
4)be fined
5)being caught
6) is believed
7)was being reapired
8) is said

Zad 2
I'll have gone / I'll be going out this evening I have tickets for the theatre
It's very late - they aren't likely/probably to come now
He'll likely/ probably have already gone by the time you get here

w 1 bym dał I'll be going out, w dwa i trzy nie mam pojęcia nie chce strzelać
Zastanów się nad kolejnością wydarzeń w zdaniu nr 3.