
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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1. Last night we were all sitting (all I sit) in front of the TV when,
all of a sudden, we heard (hear) a horrible noise
nearby. When we run (run) out to see what
had been happening (happen), we saw (see) that a large
rubbish container turned over (turn over).

2. A: Molly, have you beem cleaning (clean) your room
B: Mum, I can't do it right now. I am seeing lub I will be seeing (see) John in
a couple of minutes! But I will do (do) it as soon as
I will be (be) back, I promise.

3. A: I really hope we paint/ will painted (paint) the house by this
time tomorrow.
B: I'm afraid not. I have just watched (just I watch) the weather
forecast and they say it is going to rain lub will rain (rain) tomorrow.

4.Yesterday my mum was (be) furious with me. When
she saw (see) my boots, she knew (know) at
once we were walking (walk) in the marsh again because
I had forgotten (forget) to clean them up before coming home.
prosiłbym o sprawdzenie i wskazówki
1. When we RAN out ...what HAD HAPPENED ....
2. Molly, have you CLEANED your reoom
But I will do it as soon as I AM back
3. I really hope we WILL HAVE PAINTED the house
4....we HAD WALKED in the marsh
1. Last night we were all sitting OK in front of the TV when,
all of a sudden, we heard OK a horrible noise
nearby. When we {ran} out to see what
(had) {happened}, we saw OK that a large
rubbish container {had} turned over.

2. A: Molly, {are} you {} cleaning your room
B: Mum, I can't do it right now. I am seeing OK John in
a couple of minutes! But I will do OK it as soon as
I {am} back, I promise.

3. A: I really hope we {will have painted} the house by this
time tomorrow.
B: I'm afraid not. I have just watched the weather
forecast and they say it is going to rain lub will rain OK tomorrow.

4.Yesterday my mum was OK furious with me. When
she saw OK my boots, she knew OK at
once we {had been} walking in the marsh again because
I had forgotten OK to clean them up before coming home.
: Molly, {are} you {} cleaning your room
czyli jaki ma byc 'czas'?
czyli jaki ma byc 'czas'?
present perfect
present continuous
moim zdaniem perfect

w 1 jeszcze ..container had been turned over.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012

jeszcze w tym: >>is going to rain lub will rain OK tomorrow.

zostaw 'is going to rain', 'will rain' nie dawaj
Cytat: savagerhino
w 1 jeszcze ..container had been turned over.

raczej jestem przekonany, ze w tym cwiczeniu nie ma sie za zadanie uzywania odpowiedniej formy czasownika w stronie biernej - tylko czynnej
no i oczywiscie, twoja propozycja jest poprawna gramatycznie
>> no i oczywiscie, twoja propozycja jest poprawna gramatycznie

no co ty? Nie wiedzialem. ma byc passive tutaj, sam sie przewrocil?

...>I have just watched the weather
tutaj moze byc tez ' I have just been watching ...
edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
ma byc passive tutaj, sam sie przewrocil?

roznica taka sama, jak w polskim pomiedzy przewrocil sie a zostal przewrocony
It's passive here, period.
And what about this progerssive with Molly? Are you feeling well today?
..right, don't bother. I thought as much. You're just incompetent.
Cytat: savagerhino
And what about this progerssive with Molly?

a jak zapytasz Czy juz sprzatasz, Molly?
A: Molly, {are} you {} cleaning your room
B: Mum, I can't do it right now. I am seeing OK John in
a couple of minutes! But I will do OK it as soon as
I {am} back, I promise.

You know what, engee. Like I said, I would understand it if it was some chalkboard preppy or whatever but coming from you, putting progressive here in this line in the above dialogue is not just explicit incompetence, it’s microcephaly bordering on mental deficiency. I’m not surprised though and you know full well why. Actually, you’re still the one.
study your books for reason, not just to do them, okay :/
I don't study anything, dummy. You do.

\\Are you cleaning your room yet? - Czy juz sprzatasz, Molly?

Czy juz posprzatals swoj pokoj, Molly - tak mialo tam byc

You've got to be crazy, really.

p.s. Don't forget to go down and ask your super about compound nouns. Maybe you'll find out how they are usually pluralised.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
I don't study anything, dummy. You do.

that says it all, mate :)
Jesli asker chce mic bledy i obnizona ocene za to zadanie, niech wstawi tam progressive.

A ty engee, sobie podszkol sie troche i nie rzucaj mi tutaj swoe kretynskie uwagi.
that would definitely work for you, mate :P
Cytat: savagerhino
Don't forget to go down and ask your super about compound nouns. Maybe you'll find out how they are usually pluralised.

that's the right word you used there, usually :)
I'm not your mate. Your type of mates is still in knowledge box.
Did you go through the compounds already?
>>that's the right word you used there, usually :)

I understand. You couldn't produce anything better than this.

Asker ma tu wrocic po sprawdzeniou i chce zeby poweidzial gdzie ma bledy.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
Asker ma tu wrocic po sprawdzeniou i chce zeby poweidzial gdzie ma bledy.

you wish :D
Cytat: savagerhino
I have just watched the weather
tutaj moze byc tez ' I have just been watching ...

patrz przeoczylem to - zgadza sie - tutaj mozesz tez uzyc formy present perfect continuous
>you wish :D

Maybe he will if we ask him to. Chicken? And then I'll put you down here in front of all these maggots here.
Cytat: savagerhino
And then I'll put you down here in front of all these maggots here.

dream on, mate, dream on :P
I don't need to. You're already down here with this.

I’ve been thinking, you know. I’m just getting sick of your incompetence, whenever you come up with a bombshell like that with ‘s with compound nouns or this progressive here. And I know that you have never been actually capable of producing a decent, logical line when we talk. Always the same lame argument.
On the other hand, it seems so phucking irrelevant and insignificant. Why do I even bother to break my tail off here?

ethan, just for kicks, please put there progressive with Molly line ( the right answer is perfect) and get back here after you get it checked with your teach. There’s just this blowhard swell-head that needs to be taken down a peg.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 38
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