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Every single time I read your posts referring back to mine it feels like you'd love to see me with my tail between my legs - that would explain why you put in so much effort to construct your lengthy, imaginative phrases, which, to most of the people reading your posts, mean less than nothing.
Try keeping your utterances succinct and to the point.
I guess you had to go to the library to produce this?

<<Try keeping your utterances succinct and to the point.
I always do. And you always fall short.'d love to see me with my tail between my legs -

No, I'd 'love' to see you in my SUV rear-view mirror after I run you over. Like pizza road, you know.

p.s If I was to be 'succinct and to the point' in your retraded sense, I would have to call you a braindead moron all the time. I don't want to.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 17 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
I guess you had to go to the library to produce this?

how psychic that is! how did ya know :?
just kiddin' - I hardly ever use English in everyday life, and whenever I need to put my thoughts into words, I use Google translate; it's that simple :D
I use Google translate; it's that simple :D - I know, I told you that already.

>I hardly ever use English in everyday life,

I know it too, you work in a warehouse, in Zielona Gora

Asker ma tu wrocic po sprawdzeniou i chce zeby poweidzial gdzie ma bledy.

OK, przyjdę i napiszę, gdzie były błędy o ile takie są :P
ok ethan
>>>A: Molly, {are} you {} cleaning your room

Progressive? It's weird to me. It's about completion, and not continuity.
edytowany przez grudziu: 18 lis 2012
Sav według mojej nauczycielki miałeś rację, tam powinien być Present Perfect.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-38 z 38
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Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia