Sprawdzenie speecha

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Najbardziej zależy mi na gramatyce :)
My name is ***, and I'm 16 years old. I think it's propably the coolest and most intensive time of my life. What can I say about myself? Maybe I'll start with the fact than I'm kinda the stay-at-home type, so I've never had many friends. I'm not a fan of a loud parties either. I'm rather calm and introverted, but it doesn't mean that I'm afraid to express my opinions. I'm also assertive. In spite of all, I prefer to listen than to speak.
Most of my interests change rapidly. Something I loved half year ago, now seems to me boring and stupid. But I never really consider it a waste of time, cause, in fact, all of that shaped my personality and made me who I am nowadays. I also have couple of interests that I will never change. Special place im my life takes music. It has been with me during the most important moments. The absolute love of my life is manga and anime, and I think I'll be interested in it for a long time. If someone would like to check it I brought couple of volumes. So, that made me fascinated in asian culture, especially japanese. It's really amazing! I also spend lot of time drawing and taking photos.
In my free time a run a blog, so in my mom's words I waste a time I could spend on studying.
About my future, I don't have definite career goals. I have to pass high school finals, for sure, but then? We will see! My dreams? Lots. One of them is a trip to Japan and learning japanese. Seconary one is organising a exhibition of my photographic and art work. I hope I could accomplish at least one of them.
After everything I said about myself I would like to stuck in you memory as a honest, independent but kind-hearted person. And if someone is eager for a trip to Japan, lets talk after a class.

My name is ***, and I'm 16 years old. I think it's 'propably' (literowka) the coolest and most intensive time of my life. What can I say about myself? Maybe I'll start with the fact than I'm kinda 'the' (klasyfikujesz, więc A) stay-at-home type, so I've never had many friends. I'm not a fan of 'a' (po tym stoi l.mn więc zero article) loud parties either. I'm rather calm and introverted, but it doesn't mean that I'm afraid to express my opinions. I'm also assertive. In spite of all, I prefer 'to'(niepotrz) 'listen' (zla forma) 'than' (zbedne) to 'speak' (zla forma)

Imo, w tym urywku nie bedzie THAN trzecim zdaniu i INTROVERTED nie pasuje do kontekstu zdania.
Dziekuję :) A czy ktos mógłby mi jeszcze sprawdzic te zdania?
The absolute love of my life is manga and anime, and I think I'll be interested in it for a long time.
In my free time a run a blog, so in my mom's words I waste a time I could spend on studying.
I could accomplish at least one of them.
Seconary (chodzi mi o "drugoplanowy", ale nie wiecz czy dobrze to ujęłam) one is organising a exhibition of my photographic and art work.