
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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W związku z tym, że mam to mieć na najbliższym kolokwium z gramatyki, bardzo prosiłbym o sprawdzenie:

Pogrubione wyrazy były dane na początku.
1. It wasn’t until we got home that we found out why the car was making such a strange noise.
Only when we got home did we find out why the car was making such a strange noise.
2. In order to get to the solution, we had to start again from the beginning.
Only by starting again from the beginning could he get to the solution.
3. Whatever you do, don’t try to open up the back of the television.
Under no circumstances should you open up the back of the television.
4. Such appalling incompetence is virtually unheard of in this company.
Seldom do you hear such incompetence in this company.
5. This is the first time that so many people have died as a result of a signal failure.
Never before have so many people died as a result of a signal failure.
6. It was the biggest family gathering since Alison’s wedding.
Not since Alison’s wedding has there been such a big gathering of family.
7. The guard dogs refused to leave the kennel before they had been fed.
Not until the guard dogs had been fed did they leave the kennel
8. The day was unbearably hot until the sun went down.
Only after the sun went down did the day wasn’t hot.
9. The plane had only just taken off when the engine trouble started.
No sooner had the plane taken off than the trouble started.
10. I don’t think the children have the faintest idea what we have planned for them.
Little do the children know what we have planned for them.

Tutaj miałem zastosować inwersję, gdzie to możliwe:
1. I didn't see a soul all day. --> Not a sould did I see...
2. The pirate ship lay far out to sea --> Far out to sea the pirate ship lay.
3. He had not been treated so abominably in any city he had previously visited.
--> In no city he had previously visited had he not been treated.... (?) tu mam watpliwosci wielkie.
4. He is called a fool with good reason. --> With good reason is he called czy no inversion?

Many thanks in advance
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
2 could nie oznacza, że mu się udało. I czemu 'he'?
4 slyszysz niekompetencję?
6 had, a poza tym family gathering lub gathering of ... family
7 a jaki czasownik posiłkowy znaczy 'zechciały'?
8 co?

2 whole verb inversion
3 dwa razy not?
4 no inversion
wrrr, źle przepisałem z kartki,
2. Only by starting again from the beginning could they get to the solution.
Co byś dał zamiast could? np. ...did they manage to ?
4. can you notice/see/experience (miałem : see)
6. racja, bo to s.past ;/
7. nie rozumiem pytania ....did they want to leave the kennel?
8.... wasn't the day hot.

2. tzn?
3. In no city he had previously visited had he been treated....
4. klucz odp podaje inwersje. jestes 100% pewien, ze no inversion????

no i oczywiście, dziekuje mg:-)
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
2. 2. The pirate ship lay far out to sea --> Far out to sea the pirate ship lay.

far out to sea lay the pirate ship.

>>>such a big gathering of family.

mozesz mi tez wytlumaczyc co jest zle w tym?
Po co than w #9 i gdzie sie silnik podzial?
2 tak, manage, able - roznica miedzy 'was able to' i could w czasie przeszlym sie klania
3 hear OF/ABOUT
7 would
8 zrobilo sie chlodniej

2 ...lay the pirate ship
3 ok
4 inwersja tylko z negacja, a wiec tylko 'Not without reason is he called..."
than jest potrzebne, engine też
Cytat: mg
2 tak, manage, able - roznica miedzy 'was able to' i could w czasie przeszlym sie klania
3 hear OF/ABOUT
7 would
8 zrobilo sie chlodniej

2 ...lay the pirate ship
3 ok
4 inwersja tylko z negacja, a wiec tylko 'Not without reason is he called..."

Dziekuje za wyjasnienie:)
Cytat: mg
than jest potrzebne, engine też
Jeszcze na to proszę spójrzcie:

Rewrtie as many as possibke of the following sentences using subject-verb inversion based upon the lead words they may contain or that may be added. Leave any sentences that you do not think can be rewritten in this way as they are.

1. The starter's gun went bang and the runners went off at a good pace.
Went bang the starter's gun off went the runners at a good pace.
2. They'd scarcely covered the first lap when the leading runner, Roger Baines by name, slipped and fell.
Scarcely/barely/hardly had they covered the first lap when the leading....
3. A runner called Plunger was behind him at the time.
Behind him was a runner called Plunger at the time.
4. The rest of the spectators sat around the track, silent but expectant.
Around the track sat the rest of the spectators, silent and expectant.
5. I well remember Plunger's look when Ken passed him ten metres from the tape!
Well do I remember Plunger's... look
6. I've rarely seen ....
Rarely have I seen...
7. The thieves had hardly got round the corner when the engine of their car stalled.
Hardly had the thieves gor round the corner when the engine of their engine stalled
8. They jumped out and ran off up the street.
Out jumped they and off ran up the street. Za duzo tych particles. Jak to ulozyc?
9. Just at that moment a couple of police cars drove up.
Just at that moment up a couple of police cars drove.
10. A church stands at the top of the street; one of the fugitives darted into it.
At the top of the street stands church ;into it darted one of the fugitives.

I ostatnie zdania:). Wybaczcie, ze tak wiele, ale dzieki Wam moze byc piateczka na kole:

1. As soon as I come home in the evening I switch on the TV.
No sooner do I come home in the evening that I swithc on the tv

2. As soon as I have time I'm going to get rid of the damned thing.
nie ma inwersji bo time clause

3. I watch it all evening and I ahve it on for breakfast as well.
Not only do I watch it all evening, but also I have it on for breakfast
.....................................................but I have it for breakfast as well (?)

dziękuje ślicznie
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
1 pierwsza czesc zdania: konieczna poprawa szyku, zeby byl taki sam jak w drugiej.
3. czy on sie tylko wtedy nazywal Plugger? Cos trzeba przeniesc w inne miejsce
4 and? but! :-)
5 well nie jest ograniczeniem. no inversion here
8 jezeli podmiotem jest zaimek, nie ma inwersji po przeniesieniu particle na poczatek. Sorry :-)
Out they jumped and ran off
9 zly szyk
10 brak jednego przedimka. takie nagromadzenie inwersji w jednym zdaniu jest pretensjonalne, ale coz, cwiczenie to cwiczenie

1. that?
3 jesz tv na sniadanie? w kazdym razie I also have... lub I have... as well
>>5 well nie jest ograniczeniem. no inversion here

i nie musi, inwersja tu moze byc bo to jest 'emphatic adverb' podobnie tak jak 'Bitterly did he regret ..
albo z clearly.. lub patiently. Well do I remember .. jest ok
1 pierwsza czesc zdania: konieczna poprawa szyku, zeby byl taki sam jak w drugiej.
wiec jak powinno byc?
3. czy on sie tylko wtedy nazywal Plugger? Cos trzeba przeniesc w inne miejsce Behind him at the time was a runner called Plunger ,
4 and? but! :-) oh gosh:)
5 well nie jest ograniczeniem. no inversion here Kiedy stosujemy inwersje z well? W książce mam zdanie : Well did he remember the night the earthquake happened. . When is it allowed to use that?
8 jezeli podmiotem jest zaimek, nie ma inwersji po przeniesieniu particle na poczatek. Sorry :-)
Out they jumped and ran off OK- bede pamietal
9 zly szyk Just at that moment drove a couple of police cars up
10 brak jednego przedimka. takie nagromadzenie inwersji w jednym zdaniu jest pretensjonalne, ale coz, cwiczenie to cwiczenie
At the top of the street stands A church ;into it darted one of the fugitives.

1. that miałem napisane than, a napisałem that;) no sooner....than
3 jesz tv na sniadanie? w kazdym razie I also have... lub I have... as welL
Not only do I watch it all evening, but I also have it on for breakfast
...................................................................I have it on for breakfast as well
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
Teraz jeszcze jedna kwestia. Nie bylo mnie na jednych z zajec a bylo inwersja z 'come':

1. Here comes his wife! - dlaczego nie: here his wife comes? przez zaimek?
2. Here she comes - to jasne
w 9 mg napisal ci zly szyk ale go nie zmieniles prawie
Bang went the gun /??/
>>1. Here comes his wife! - dlaczego nie: here his wife comes? przez zaimek?

tu jest dzierzawczy, nie o to chodzi , miales 'out they jumped , tu nie ma inwersji,masz they, wyzej masz napisane, tak jak 'off you go'

a z ta 'wife' juz moze byc bo nie ma zaimka ; tak jak 'down came the rain'
9. Just at that moment a couple of police cars drove up.

Just at that moment drove up a couple of police cars ok ale nie ma inwersji
Just at that moment drove a couple of police cars up ok, ale bez inwersji
Just at that moment up a couple of police cars drove. to podalem i bylo zle
wiec jak?

jak ma byc poprawnie? Troche jestem zmeczony mentalnie
Cytat: fui_eu
Bang went the gun /??/

...and bang it went indeed, Your Honor:)
Cytat: savagerhino
>>5 well nie jest ograniczeniem. no inversion here

i nie musi, inwersja tu moze byc bo to jest 'emphatic adverb' podobnie tak jak 'Bitterly did he regret ..
albo z clearly.. lub patiently. Well do I remember .. jest ok

OK, nawet nie przeczytałem całego zdania
9. Just at that moment a couple of police cars drove up.

zacznij od konca
Cytat: savagerhino
>>1. Here comes his wife! - dlaczego nie: here his wife comes? przez zaimek?

tu jest dzierzawczy, nie o to chodzi , miales 'out they jumped , tu nie ma inwersji,masz they, wyzej masz napisane, tak jak 'off you go'

a z ta 'wife' juz moze byc bo nie ma zaimka ; tak jak 'down came the rain'

I finally twigged what you meant. So, in she comes!bo mamy zaimek osobowy a nie dzierzawczy
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
9. Just at that moment a couple of police cars drove up.

zacznij od konca

Up just at that moment drove a couple of police cars.


If it's incorrect, you've got me there! ;)
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 lis 2012
Często na MTV jest 'up next is ..." to tez inwersja, no nie?
So 'overlearned' am I that I am likely to sail through the following test. I don't know what I've done without you, guys.
up next is - tak

>>Up just at that moment drove a couple of police cars.

nie rozdzielalbym up i drove, to 'jst at the moment ' tu w ogole pasuje jak jak z reszta cale NP ' a couple of police cars, Kto to takie wymysla rzeczy?
Just at that moment up drove...

I don't know what I've done without you

well, uhm, you've done most things in your life without us, innit?
I am forced to diagnose you as amnesiac and delusional (you believe we are around you).

That might mean he did something wrong when we were not around.. but what?:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 60
poprzednia |


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