
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tytul naglowka mial byc : result clauses. Wkleilem jeden wpost, na forum wyskoczyly dwa.

1. Transform the following by using the words in italics.

1 so ... that[/] As the lecturer spoke very fast I found it difficult to make any notes.
as He also spoke with a strong accent, so that I didn't understand all he said.
3 so Since he's a very keen fisherman, Mr McArthur spends a lot of time by the river.
4 knowing Mrs McArthur knows that fishing is in his blood, and so doesn't try to stop him.
5 because There was a lot of rain last night and many of the roads are flooded.
6 so (adverb) As the weather forecast is for more rain, I think we should postpone our trip.
7 so that Two years ago there was such a bad drought that the wells in our village began to dry up.
8 such ... that Soon there was a great shortage of water and we had to ration it.
9 since The next plane didn't leave until the evening, and so they decided to spend the afternoon sightseeing.
10 so ... that However, they soon returned to the airport, as there was very little to see.
11 for I'd never talked to a film star before, so felt rather nervous.
12 knowing She knew how I felt and soon put me at my ease.
13 and so As my car wouldn't start I had to take a taxi.
14 realising I realised I'd be late for an appointment and phoned my secretary.
15 having I was getting rather worried, as I had heard nothing from my husband for over a week.
16 being Ken is a friend of his and was getting worried too.
17 because Willie had sprained his ankle, so found walking painful.
18 such ... that However, being a very reticent sort of fellow he said nothing about it.
19 so My father retired early because his health was poor.
20 finding He found himself short of money, and so gave up smoking.
21 such ... that I kept my son home from school this morning as he had a very bad cough.
22 so ... that Very few of the children are well enough to perform in the school concert and so they've cancelled it.
23 as I'll be out quite late tonight, so I'm going to take a front-door key with me.
24 so My father made such a fuss about my coming in late last night that I told him I'd go and look for somewhere else to live.
25 and therefore Many of the older children have very little leisure during the week because they are given considerable amount of homework.
edytowany przez grudziu: 03 gru 2012
Wpisałem odpowiedzi, ale internet siadł, a teraz nie mogę już edytować wpisu. 15 minut pisałem;/
Moze wybiore te, ktore jak sadze moglyby sprawic mi problem:

16 being Ken is a friend of his and was getting worried too.
Being a friend of his, he was getting worried too.
15 having I was getting rather worried, as I had heard nothing from my husband for over a week.
Having heard nothing from my hubby for over a week, I was getting rather worried.
11 for I'd never talked to a film star before, so felt rather nervous.
I'd never talked to a film star before, for I felt rather nervous.
I'd never talked to a film star before - for I felt rather nervous.
6 so (adverb) As the weather forecast is for more rain, I think we should postpone our trip.
The weather forecast is for more rain, so I think we should postpone our trip.
BTW to be for sth = to be IN for sth?

Reszta zdan, jak sadze, powinna byc jasna.


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