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In our modern world television is one of the bigger and still developing source of information or entertainment. Nowadays, we can't imagine life without TV.Almos everybody have tv set in his house. Someone have more than one. It has become a part of our life but not for everyone. There are still people whose are not addicted of television and prefer more active ways of spending theit free time. They are often do different sports reading an books or go to the thetre cinema which broadens their mind and developing imagine. Thanks to television we know what is happening in every corner. We get information about cultural events, catastrophies, accidents and crimes. We have the possibility to watch interesting films, comedies, shows or sports programmes. We can know other cultures which we have never the opportunity seen on our eyes(na własne oczy). Whn we watch international television we learn foreign languages. Tv set is very useful invention but only if is use in moderation ( uzywany w umiarze). It can be a great source of information or provides entertainment to viewers. It gives educational possibilities, broadens the mind or our knowledge about the world. Viewers can choose one of their favourite programme and relax. There are only good sides of television but if we watching TV many hours a day it can have negative impact on our lifestyle or what more on our health.If we are still influenced by TV we forget about real casual things like cooking or cleaning. People whose spend all the time in front of TV set are named "coach potatoes" because they are passive viewers, slavers of black box and can't imagine day without TV, sometime they know all program schedule. Addicted is one of the worst disadvantages of television but there are also a lot of others. Person who still watching TV can't talk with others about anything isn't connected with TV. The whole families watches television eating every meal. They spending their free time in front of tv set and watching stupid shows and programs. The next disadvantage is that jung children are watching full of violence and brutally movies, cartoons too. It can motivates very bad after-effects like explosion with angry. People whose live round tv program schedule stop talking and communicating with members of family. They do not to speak about their feelings. It can have bad consequences for relationship in the family. What more, a typical person spend from two to six hours(sometimes much more) in front of tv set. It can be causes that we have nothing better to do but i think that it isn't the best way, we wasting our time. Only a few programmes are really worth to seeing rest is stupid and broing like commercials or soap operas. We can spend this time doing one of sports or develop our hobbys.
In conclusion, television is a great invention and gives a lot of useful things like newas but if we watching tv more than it is needs it can have bad effects. Everything is good in moderation.
Male poprawki: - sam poczatek - sa jeszcze inne
Almost EVERYONE has a TV set in their homes. SOME have more than one. TV has become....
There are, however, still people WHO are not addicted to TV and prefer...
They often do different sports, or read a book or go to the theatre or to the cinema. This broadens their minds and develops imagination.
It is due to TV that we know what is happening in every corner of the world.
We can get to know other cultures, which we would never have had the opportunity to see with our own eyes.
... useful invention, but only if we use IT in moderation.
... but if we are watching TV for many hours a day, it can have a negative impact on our lifestyle and what IS more on our health.

...people are named COUCH potatoes.... SLAVES of THE black box and cannot imagine A day without TV.


CAE - sesja zimowa 2005