
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I watched another episode of "Only fools and horses" just now, and I encountered the expression "squiddly-diddly". What on earth can it mean?

Here's the fragment I'm referring to: 5:45: 5:52



and another phrase I've heard watching this hilarious serious: 'I'm a social LEPER'

Isn't it like an outcast, outsider?
>>>"squiddly-diddly". What on earth can it mean?
mysle, ze to jest imie/nazwa tego oktopusa.

'I'm a social LEPER'
Isn't it like an outcast, outsider?

Tak, bo Del nigdy nie pasowal do klasy 'yuppie'.

Jak juz to ogladasz, to Del (David Jason) ostatnio gral jako Insp. Jack Frost w 'Frost' - jak masz szanse to poogladaj - zobaczysz jakim on swietnym aktorem byl....
Ja go uwielbiam. Na pewno to obejrzę. Był też amerykański film pod tym samym tytułem (o takim bałwanie) - ale to inny film.

W "Only fools and horses" they often sound uneducated, ale to mi nie przeszkadza. Ich akcent jest na wskroś brytyjski. Ostatnio zacząłem też oglądać Absolutely fabulous.

Cytat: grudziu
I watched another episode of "Only fools and horses" just now, and I encountered the expression "squiddly-diddly". What on earth can it mean?

It's squiggly-diddly... something or rather.
Squiggly znaczy pokrecony, krzywulasty. Diddly znaczy to samo co diddlyshit, czyli cos bez wartosci.

Na przyklad, It means diddlyshit to him.
Squiddly Diddly imie osmiornicy z rysunkowego serialu o tym samym tytule.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 23 lut 2013
It's 'squiddly' there, not 'squiggly'. It was just a nonce word coming from a squid, created by someone.
Cytat: savagerhino
It's 'squiddly' there, not 'squiggly'. It was just a nonce word coming from a squid, created by someone.

That's what thay want you to think.
>>That's what thay want you to think.

No, nobody could be able to do it with me. I'm bulletproof.
Many thanks to all.

Cytat: savagerhino
It was just a nonce word coming from a squid, created by someone.

it makes sense.
Cytat: grudziu
Many thanks to all.

Cytat: savagerhino
It was just a nonce word coming from a squid, created by someone.

it makes sense.

Czemy nie squidy lub squiddy? Squiddy byloby pewnie jeszcze gorsze/lepsze?
squidy - nie mialoby tego samego rytmu w slowach
squidy diddly -- jak to powiesz na glosno, to slyszysz ze slowa nie maja swojego balancu.
squiddly diddly - to daje im balance
grudziu, jak masz dostep do BBC, to wez sobie poogladaj double bill Only fools and horses leci co dziennie miedzy 14 a 15 angielskiego czasu - piersze odcinki sa znacznie lepsze od tych bardziej wspolczesnych - dzielnica Peckham, gdzie zyja bracia, jest do zludzenia podobna do tych, ktore znam z PRLowskiej Polski - cos, jak Alternatywy, az milo popatrzec :)
i w ogole, te starsze odcinki maja cos w sobie takiego, co sprawia, ze az sie chce je ogladac
come on, grudziu, don't be a plonker all your life :P

I usually crease up when I watch this series, this is that British slapstick that I love to watch. Not only does it help me to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events happening in the world, but it also makes me relaxed mentally. I don't wanna make a bollocks of my life, that's why I'm pursuing my goals, not turning around others, and I won't withdraw, as I know what I wante. Today is Sunday, and I can't be mithered to go shopping in town :)
edytowany przez grudziu: 24 lut 2013
Methinks thou is picking up the local twang - 'mithered'...?
Cytat: grudziu
I usually crease up when I watch this series, this is that British slapstick that I love to watch. Not only does it help me to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events happening in the world, but it also makes me relaxed mentally. I don't wanna make a bollocks of my life, that's why I'm pursuing my goals, not turning around others, and I won't withdraw, as I know what I wante. Today is Sunday, and I can't be mithered to go shopping in town :)

dear me, you sounded so posh in that post of yours :/
Posh? Rather a little uneducated. I'II be as happy as a pig in shite when my speaking is as fluent as that of a native's. Pronunciation is much important that stylistic inversion. A nice, native-like speech is what may impress English speaking people, and not a flowery, complex speech larded with EMPTY quotations, with crappy intonation and stress-patterns, strictly speaking just double-speak! Then, I'd sound as a PLONKER, like a head-the-ball haha. We can also call it 'HOT AIR' (terri will have known what I mean so as do the rest of people here I suppose).

I need to work on so many aspects of language that I get perplexed when only thinking of that! Not to be a schoolboy howler any more, I've been working up a sweat at my Uni.
edytowany przez grudziu: 24 lut 2013
You know why I would get hyper up at the beginning of my being here, on the forum? It was so, because you all showed me how much work I needed to put into my poor English so that I could just communicate with people, and I'd like to THANK EACH AND EVERYONE :-). My modal personality type is that I am like a wayward child. I've graduated in two disciplines already, nonetheless, my needs in relation to education are still unment, as it were. You all showed me where my place is. I am a QUITE demanding person by nature, I was just born that way! I mean If I set my sights on something, I do everything to achieve that, and every failure 'pains' as like hell. I demand too much from myself I think, and it is not about an inflated ago or being selfish, I hasten to add! The way I live is very hectic and energetic, and oftentimes it livens others up. I'm liked by people I think. Many a student nowadays doesn't know what to do after finishing their studies. The prospect of being educated and unemployed scares them to bits. When I ask them about their future plans, they just say 'we'II see'. "What about putting your asses into gears?!", I asked. No constructive reply is given. Our muchesteemed 'intelligentsia' positioned in Wiejska Street have just been pissing ball around, their MP's salaries should be cut for that! They have been contributing to emigration from Poland. Nepotism and corruption-ridden politicians are all over the world, that's as plain as the nose on your face, BUT the scale of the phenomenon may be far smaller.

One more thing. They say they don't have any money. Polish government spends on the polls (and other odds and ends of that sort) twice as money as, for instance, British government which is much more better off. Is it paradox? No! It's even oxymoron!
Our legal system is rather good, but why it isn't applied so often? Applying the law corresponds with its strength.
edytowany przez grudziu: 24 lut 2013
>>>and I'd like to THANK EACH AND EVERYONE :-).
We all knew that we could get you on the straight and narrow.....but it is very nice of you.

Someone once said that a) you can't fight the system and b) if you must, do it from the inside.
One day the people will 'wise-up' - but not yet.
In order to have a revolution, you must have a leader and a plan - I could be the leader, I could run the country with one hand tied behind my back and get it back on track. But will anyone listen - no, so let those who 'think' they have the brains ruin it, just give them enough rope.
Cytat: terri
>>>and I'd like to THANK EACH AND EVERYONE :-).
We all knew that we could get you on the straight and narrow.....but it is very nice of you.

Someone once said that a) you can't fight the system and b) if you must, do it from the inside.
One day the people will 'wise-up' - but not yet.
In order to have a revolution, you must have a leader and a plan - I could be the leader, I could run the country with one hand tied behind my back and get it back on track. But will anyone listen - no, so let those who 'think' they have the brains ruin it, just give them enough rope.

Give them enough rope... and they'II hang themselves?
>>Our legal system is rather good.....

That's the only line I found worth commenting.:)[joke]

Seriously, I wouldn’t go that far in saying this. It’s getting better but there’s yet a lot to be done. At least as far as criminal prosecutorial practice goes, which is probably the most venal and corrupt one among all those post-pinko states we know.
In Poland they use a so-called nominative approach. That means once such fraudulent grim-faced scumbag gets a suspect, he starts to build a case around him, using evidence selectively, meaning either tampering with it or forcing confessions illegally while questioning. It often results in the wrongful conviction of an innocent person. This ‘investigative’ method was imposed by soviet degenarte commies in 1950s and we’re still stuck with it now in 2013. Basically, these faithfull followers of this approach (crooked prosecutors) are criminals and they should be put in jail with the lowest of the low of the same phucking ilk.
‘Elsewhere’, they do it in an eliminative way. They eliminate those potentially innocent individuals from the pool of suspects, applying same evidence. And this is not my opinion.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 lut 2013
Cytat: savagerhino
>>Our legal system is rather good.....

That's the only line I found worth commenting.:)[joke]

Seriously, I wouldn’t go that far in saying this. It’s getting better but there’s yet a lot to be done. At least as far as criminal prosecutorial practice goes, which is probably the most venal and corrupt one among all those post-pinko states we know.
In Poland they use a so-called nominative approach. That means once such fraudulent grim-faced scumbag gets a suspect, he starts to build a case around him, using evidence selectively, meaning either tampering with it or forcing confessions illegally while questioning. It often results in the wrongful conviction of an innocent person. This ‘investigative’ method was imposed by soviet degenarte commies in 1950s and we’re still stuck with it now in 2013. Basically, these faithfull followers of this approach (crooked prosecutors) are criminals and they should be put in jail with the lowest of the low of the same phucking ilk.
‘Elsewhere’, they do it in an eliminative way. They eliminate those potentially innocent individuals from the pool of suspects, applying same evidence. And this is not my opinion.

Sav, that was my sweet SARCASM haha. You've just swallowed it all :P. Knowing that you're into politics, I said that ON PURPOSE, because I was bloody sure that you'd certainly leave a comment on that haha, and you did it indeed :-)

It couldn't just hold water, allowing for the first part of post of mine. I'm telling yaa :)

Personally, I agree with you of course. Our legal system is SELF-CONTRADICTORY, and its putting into action is even worse. The first fact determines and involves the second.
edytowany przez grudziu: 24 lut 2013
I knew that and I played along :) ..but make no mistake about it, these 'individuals' are extremely dangerous people. You can't mess with them.

>>Knowing that you're into politics

just for the record, I can do generative syntax too :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 lut 2013
Cytat: savagerhino
..but make no mistake about it, these 'individuals' are extremely dangerous people. You can't mess with them.

What can we do about these pasty, freckly, firecrotch individuals?
Nothing, but again if you think that 'elsewhere' they got it all sewed up, you would be wrong.

Listen to this sound bite, it's only 5 min.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 lut 2013
Sadly, registration needed to be allowed to watch it.
strange wait, I'll put it up somewhere else

here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jneero

..and not to watch, to listen, it's a sound file, just click to start download ...
edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 lut 2013
Ok. I downloaded it and am listening to this. Lots of aspects and issues invoked in such a short podcast...
In a nutshell, it's actually only one aspect here - illegal aliens.
The guy in the clip says it's 11 million. It's not. It's arround 25 mil now.
Generally they are all drug scums and criminals. And they are literally protected by this hussein soetoro. How does that work in the background of him being drooling about visas for poles when he was here? It's just unbelievable to me.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 lut 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.