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i think that being famous can be nice but not to the end(nie do konca). The biggest benefit of being in the spotlight is respect pthers people. They think you for a star, themselves idol and exemplar for imitating. All media attentions are concentrate on your person . You can also use you fame and attract attention impress important and powerful people of a country for good public ideas or nobile purpose.It is the best advantages of stardon beacuse popular person can do a lot of good things for others. Stars have a lot of money, they don't have to worry about their job becaouse money of their bank account can anought for all their life so they have a possibility cheare them resocue with others poor and sick. If you are famous you realise that many people think you for exemplar for imitating , you are like, fans wanna touch you or one of yor private things.. It must be nice and it experidens that you and things made by you are very important and make then feel great, you too. It is a really big happiness do something what you love and have money for this.

However, being idol is something in kind properity. You are recognised in the street, always ion media attention and in the public eye. You have to always give on interview and take care of good opinion and possition. Famous people have no privacy. Paparazzi try to photograph them all the time, everywhere. Unknown person stop them on the street, asking for an autograph and picture with star. They are living in stress beacause all the time photographs want's to see how they look and what they doing at the moment in their beautiful houses. Star cant go out all alone. they can go out only with their bodyguards. thay are never completely save. It is a very bad for family life. Children can't meet with their friends and go to the cinema or club, some paparazzi can make thempicture in not good moment. in the next day all the newspapers will be writing about obscene behavion star's child.

Nowadays, ones of present stars forget about their old good friends when they become famous. Thye think themselves for someone better. More money on bank account made them completely different people. It is a very sad thing under no circmstances we can't avaluate other on base contents of briefcase.

few years ago one of the victin ruthless paparazzi was Marlyn Monroe. They were hungry for sensation what finally caused her death. All her provaty details were described. They not unheeded on her feelings. She was only a human. Just like ordinary people but she made little different things more than them. She wanted to have little privacy but they couldn't understood this fact what was ending fatally for her.

In addition, in my opinion there are more disadvantages than advantages. of being famous. Sometimes stars have to pay a high price of stardom. If someone like life like this, ding his job with pleasure and he don't pay attentionof bad sides this like, it is great. But most of todays stars inspide of their resource and popularity. They are unhappy becaus they have to give up privacy wchith always causes a sensation. Filanny i'm glad that im not famous person it brings up only bad things and unhappy.