Ostatnie na dziś, obiecuję.
Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase.
1. The shop assistant's rude beahaviour
make/left him speechless.
2. She
took no notice of the warning sign and continued to walk across the ice.
3. She is liable
to lose her temper if teased.
4. The weather was so bad that hardly
anybody turned up to watch the match.
5. You
only have yourself to blame if you are unhappy with the choice you made.
Poza konkursem: Co ze zdaniami:
Only you are to blame if you are unhappy with the choice you made.
Potocznie słyszałem:
You only are to blame - honestly? this is "dodgy" to me.
6. The journey was no quicker by bus - we might
as well have walked.
Thank you! :-)