The machine is
susceptible to overheating if you leave it switched on.
OVERHEATING (mine) nie za bardzo pasuje, bo 'susceptible' wg mojego Wyld wiecej odnosi sie do 'uczuc', a nie do maszyn. Keenly responsive to emotional appeal, capable of feeling, highly sensitive. Wiem, ze maszyny maja swoje uczucia i niekiedy robia co chca, ale tutaj nie pasuje.
The machine is
subject to overheating if you leave it switched on.
OVERHEATING (Sav)...dla mnie ok
The machine is
vulnerable to overheating if you leave it switched on.
OVERHEATING (Fui) wiecej odnosi sie do 'wounds', open to, protected against, attack, injury criticism. Jest adj & noun 'vulnerary', ktory odnosi sie do 'remedy for wounds'.