Transformacje ze słowem kluczem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)

Potrzebuję pomocy w transofrmacjach

1. I can't attend the meeting tommorow afternoon.
I won't be ............ the meeting tommorow afternoon. (PRESENT)
I won't be present at the meeting tommorow afternoon?

2. The actor became famous after he appeared in the film.
The actor became famous ......... in the film. (FOLLOWING)
brak pomysłu.

3. Lisa finds it difficult to remember people's names.
It ....... to remember people's names. (EASY)
It wasn't easy for Lisa to remember people's names?

4. These two cars look the same to me.
I cannot ........ these two cars. (TELLS)
nie mam pomysłu

5. She was about to leave when she remembered to turn off the oven.
She was ........ when she remembered to turn off the oven. (POINT)

6. Laura failed to persuade her sister to join the gym with her.
Laura...... her sister to join the gym with her.
Laura didn't suceed in persuading her sister to join the gym with her?

7. I totally agree with Mr. Smith.
I..... with Mr. Smith. (TOTAL)

8. The celebrity never takes any notice of the gosspis in the newspapers.
The celebrity never ...... the gossips in the newspapers. (ATTENTION)
The celebrity never pay attention to the gossips in the newspapers?

9. Only a few people visit the island during the winter months.
There ........ of visitors to the island during the winter months. (NUMBER)
2 following = w rezultacie
3 czas terazniejszy
4 TELL - poszukaj wśród phrasali
5 jest wyrazenie z point, ktore znaczy, że ktoś zaraz ma coś zrobić
6 suCCeed
7 w pelnej zgodzie
8 zla forma czasownikas
9 number = liczba
on the point to ? ...znam cos takiego ale nie wiem na 100%.
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 11 kwi 2013
2. The actor become famous following appearing in the film ?
3. It isn't easy for Lisa to remember ....
4. tell apart
5. be on a point of doing something ?
7. agree in total?
8. pays
9. was a low number ? ee nie wiem. tu kombinuję
2 his appearance
5 the point
7 nie
9 czas, liczba mnoga i raczej not a large number
in total agreement!

:) dziękuję!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia