Inwersja stylistyczna

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Once Philip had agreed to help them, they went ahead with the plan.
Only..... (co tutaj dalej napisać?)
2. No sooner had I (dlaczego nie did I) left the airport than I realised I had picked the wrong suitcase.
3.Only swim at night in a swimming pool if there are other people about.
Czy tak? : Not unless there are other people about can you swim.

I jescze takie pytnie:

Czy na maturze trzeba pisać imię podane w zdaniu, czy nie? Np.

Peter didn't realize that he had lost his keys until he got home.- Podane zdanie
Moje przekształcenie:
Not until he got home did he realize that he had lost his keys. - Może być?
Czy powinno być: Not until he got home did Peter realize that he had lost his keys.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
Only after/when Philip had agreed to help them did they go with the plan.

to co jest po No sooner wyraza uprzedniosc do tego, co jest pozniej podane w zdaniu, stad uzycie past perfect

Not unless there are other people about can you swim at night in a swimming pool.

nalezy uzywac imion w tego typu konstrukcjach - jest to konieczne, aby zdanie poczatkowe bylo zblizone do zdania wyjsciowego


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia