przosze sprawdzcie to dle mnie wazne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
z gory wiekie dzieki i wesloych swiat:))))

1.When I acted as member of European Students' Forum, main coordinator who had to organize very important event resigned at the last moment, and I had to take his duties.
I had to find sponsors for the event , place and encourage people to act. Fortunately we finished the project before deadline.

2.With friends I organized training about human resources for new participants. We had t o prepare all materials, presentations, interesting cases to attract their attention.

3. I know that your company is a leader and I would like to contribute to your continued growth.

4 - The ideal job should give me the feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction.

8 - Success is when you work hard to reach something, you will do it and you will be satisfied with results. Failure is when after such long and hard work you will gain nothing, you didn't achieve your targets.

16 - Because I am a reliable person , good employee, I will contribute to your growth.

18 - I hope that will be happy person with a lot of opportunities, with well paid job in satisfying position.

20 - Because I am interested in marketing and management. I want to deepen my knowledge in this field.

24 - I liked mathematics the most because I like to count and exercise. The least - technic classes because were typical for boys, treated about do-it-yourself.
25 - I liked marketing management the most, because we had cases wit real companies. The least - history, due to large amount of dates.
27 - No, because there are a lot of abilities which can be measured and expressed by grades.
40 - Yes, but also it depends on the members of the group. If we all will be willing to work we will achieve success.

44 - Yes I am able because I have divided attention and I'm well organized but I think it is better to focus on one case
Be patient.

You are filing out an application for a job, so you are not the most important.They are.

4 The ideal job would allow my skills, ethusiasm and determination to contribute to the successes of the company.

24 ...lubilam liczyc i sie gimnastykowac...No good.
I liked solving problems.

40 Do you like working in a group/team?
Yes, I like being part of a team...pomysl oni chca wiedziec czy jestes taka osoba ktora mysli ze przebiegnie cale boisko z pilka i strzeli gola.
They don't want people like that.

44 I have divided attention...means I can't concentrate one one thing.
I can divide my attention between several tasks/projects...
I can budget my time between...


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