reported speech

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak w mowie zaleznej beda brzmialy nastepujace zdania ??

1. She hasn’t done her homework yet.
2. I have just cooked the dinner.
3. We have bought a car.
4. I have never been in London.

Za pomoc, z gory dziekuje :)
wiesz, ze co w Wigilie, to przez caly rok?
Liczenie na innych, ze odrobia prace domowa?

Podpowim Ci:
czas Present perfect zmienia sie na Past Perfect (np. had done, had seen).
Napisz wlasne wersje, to Ci sprawdzimy.
Popieram. Zamiast podać gotową rybę, lepiej podarować wędkę...
... i cierpliwosc.
1. He said that she hadn't done her homework yet.
2. She told me that she had just cooked the dinner.
3. They told her that they had bought a car.
4. He said that he had never been in London.
No, i o co tyle krzyku :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.