What follows "to be"?

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Jaka część zdania ZAWSZE następuje po czasowniku to be?

I nie chodzi tutaj o verb complement, bardziej szczegółowa odpowiedz jest mile widziana ; )
3 forma czasownika.
jedyna czesc zdania to complement, w formie albo subject complement albo locative complement
Cor blimey, these descriptive grammar terms make me go up the wall. Executter, I'm really feeling for you :-)
he is THERE. - locative comp.
he is A HERO. - subject comp.

Anything else?
predicative adjectives
predicative adjective?

The weather is nice. - here NICE is a subject complemenet, isn't it?

BTW, predicative adj to nie jest część mowy?
The contemporary term for a predicative adjective is a subject complement. These are the same things.
He is a teacher

that is a subject complement too and it is not an adjective.

adjectives like afraid are only used predicatively

Go read your grammar books.

tak, to jest część mowy, nie zdania.
Cytat: executter15
Anything else?

wydaje mi sie, ze to juz wszystko
cokolwiek wystapi po be bedzie complementem
jedynie, co mozesz jeszcze znalezc odnosnie tego tematu to to, ze complement ma rozne formy/nazwy
to chyba wszystko
Go read your grammar books.

I read too much. I should leave off reading these books for a while. You have got a highly volatile personality for a teacher ;), but your are demanding - I like it.

p.s. Cut me some slack, ok.
edytowany przez grudziu: 28 kwi 2013
Cytat: grudziu
The contemporary term for a predicative adjective is a subject complement. These are the same things.

nie no tak to za bardzo nie mozna uproszczac
predicate adjective odnosi sie do pojecia subject complement, ale nie mozesz mowic, ze to sa dwie takie same rzeczy
to jest tak, jakbys powiedzial, ze samochod to fiat; normalnie powiesz fiat to samochod, ale juz nie na odwrot
Ale mnie wkurw. Ważycie i mierzycie każde słowo.
Wygląda to tak: do słów nadawcy dobudowujecie swoje projekcje.
grudziu it's Sunday, don't let anger boil up in you
take on board what we say and move on
Right. The way I reacted was a little uncalled-for. Mg, I'm sorry ;). I feel as if I was overboard when somebody makes a song and dance about my unclear bits of thoughts. You're ALL right at all points, I never thought to question it.
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