Rozprawka - sprawdzenie, pilne!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do napisania rozprawkę na temat angażowania się artystów np. muzyków w życie polityczne. Napisałem ją, ale jestem słaby z angielskiego, a ta ocena zaważy na mojej końcoworocznej. Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie tego tekstu

Artists in policy is a really controversial issue. Many people have different opinions about it.In this essay I will try to show arguments for and against atist`s actions in policy.
Let us first look at the arguments for celebrities`s activity in political life. Firstly, artists (for example musicians) have laws because they are an inhabitant. Law is the same for everyone so artists can take part in policy.
Secondly, artists are more sensitive than people in society so they have different point of view in many problems or issues. They can look on the troubles on the other hand and they can help to solve them.
It can be argued that celebrities aren`t compentent to take part in political life. They don`t graduate the appropriate schools so they shouldn`t deal with policy. They are fantactic musicans or authors and they should do only it.
What is more, for artists very important issues are museums or new music albums. It is possible they will forget about ordinary people`s problems. They will be spend money on culture and in country will be a lot of stages but there will be a lot of unemployed too.
To sum up, I must admit that I`m more convinced by the arguments for artists engage in public life. Sometimes they can help society when it has a trouble. They may be controvercial but they do more good than harm (maybe in policy too).
'Artists in policy' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem) is a really controversial issue. Many people have different opinions about 'it' (ale czego? nie jest jasne...czy artystow czy czegos innego). In this essay I will try to show arguments for and against 'atist`s' (ortog) actions in 'policy' (dlaczego uzywasz to slowo, jak dokladnie wiesz, ze ono sie nie nadaje tutaj...sprawdzasz nas czy cos?).
'Let us first look' (let us not - to jest za potoczne dla mnie - potrzeba wiecej formalnie) at the arguments for 'celebrities`s' (ortog) activity in political life. Firstly, artists (for example musicians) have 'laws because they are an inhabitant.' (co? o czym ty tutaj wypisujesz?) Law is the same for everyone so artists can take part in 'policy' (juz nie mam newrow do tego).
Secondly, artists are more sensitive than people in society (przcinek) so they have different point of view in many problems or issues. They can look 'on the troubles on the other hand' (tego nie rozumiem) and they can help to solve them.
It can be argued that celebrities 'aren`t' (napisz to w calosci i poprawnie) compentent to take part in political life. They don`t 'graduate the appropriate schools' (popraw (i troche tu wachasz sie z prawda, bo zanim cos takiego napiszesz to sprawdz jakie dyplomy itp maja owi arysci- niektorzy nawet PhDs) so they shouldn`t deal with 'policy' (policy for what? sewwping the street?). They are 'fantactic' (ortog) musicans or authors and they 'should do only it' (zmien).
What is more, for artists very important issues are 'museums' ( cos nie za bardzo widze, zeby owi artysci chodzili do museums - ale moze sie myle) or new music albums. It is possible THAT they will forget about ordinary people`s problems. They will 'be' (po co to slowo tutaj?) spend money on culture and in (przedimek) country will be a lot of 'stages' ( o czym mowa?) but there will be a lot of unemployed too. (tego zdania to w ogole nie rozumiem)
To sum up, I must admit that I`m more convinced by the arguments for artists TO engage in public life. Sometimes they can help society when it has 'a' (po co to 'a'? dla ozdoby?) trouble. They may be controvercial (przedimek [rzed 'but') but they do more good than harm (maybe in 'policy' (popraw) too).

Nie za bardzo rozumiem calosc tego...
polityka jako dziedzina dzialalności = politics
to po pierwsze.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie