Syllable boundaries for word 'frantic'

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, czy ktoś umie to rozwiązać: determine syllable boundaries for word: ' frantic'?
z góry dziękuję za pomoc!
dodam, że akcent na pierwszą sylabę. Znaczenie to samo, co hectic.
Cytat: grudziu
... Znaczenie to samo, co hectic.
hec·tic (hktk)
1. Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste: "There was nothing feverish or hectic about his vigor" (Erik Erikson).
2. Medicine Of, relating to, or being a fever that fluctuates during the day, as in tuberculosis or septicemia.
3. Consumptive; feverish.
4. Flushed.

fran·tic (frntk)
1. Highly excited with strong emotion or frustration; frenzied: frantic with worry.
2. Characterized by rapid and disordered or nervous activity: made a frantic last-minute search for the lost key.
3. Archaic Mad; insane.

done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized
SYNONYM hectic
a frantic dash/search/struggle
They made frantic attempts to revive him.
Things are frantic in the office right now.
They worked with frantic haste.
edytowany przez grudziu: 17 cze 2013


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