would have been / would be

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Pytanie dotyczy poniższego zdania:

(...) it would be possible to predict the 2010 catastrophe well in advance and to avoid losses.

pytanie, czy zamiast "it would be possile" powinno być "it would have been possible"

Dodam, że w zdaniu z "if" nie ma czasu past perfect...
jak brzmi zdanie z if
The aim of this study was to check if by analysing the reaction of trees to ground instability it would be possible to forecast the 2010 catastrophe well in advance and to avoid losses.
to jest tlumaczenie na angielski?

would have been jest logiczne - czy można by było zapobiec katastrofie, gdyby takie badania zostaly przeprowadzone przed katastrofa


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