such short notice

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jaka jest roznica pomiedzy "on such short notice", a "at such short notice".
ogladam teraz film i jest on such short notice, a jak sie uczylem z profesora henry to bylo at such short notice.
Myślę, że to różnica między AmE i BrE. Jeśli chcerz brzmieć jak człowiek to mów on :]
edytowany przez potpourri: 06 wrz 2013
ok, dzieki.
zajrzalem jeszcze do longmana i tam jest wyjasnione, ze at british, a on american.
a BrE-AmE difference

at a moment' notice; at short notice. Both idiomatic. 'On' is AmE. Possibly 'with short notice'.
Cytat: potpourri
Myślę, że to różnica między AmE i BrE. Jeśli chcerz brzmieć jak człowiek to mów on :]

So, I am not a human, sadly.
Join me on the rhotic side, grudziu. RP is not the accent you're looking for.
You, for some obscure reasons, seem to think that an American accent is better than that used in Britain. Is that so? I am, and will be on the non-rhotic accent side. Any accent is legitimate, even that completely different from RP. Have you ever been Up North England? Notice how Geordies speak! That variety of accents is what makes learning English seem more difficult and interesting as well. Come to think of it, we cannot say this or that accent is bad or good. That is the language people speak, simply.
Before I forget. As a future English teacher, I am supposed to speak RP. I am a phonetics afficionado after all. A Geordie accent is the most fanciest accent there is...They just speak funny!
"Come to think of it, we cannot say this or that accent is bad or good. That is the language people speak, simply"

But still there's still one accent to rule them all! :]
Cytat: potpourri
"Come to think of it, we cannot say this or that accent is bad or good. That is the language people speak, simply"

But still there's still one accent to rule them all! :]

What do you mean? RP? RP is just a classic model of what it should be like. There must be some standards, mustn't there?
There must be some standards, 'mustn't there' (co to jest grudziu?)?
And...just out of interest, you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who speak 'true' RP - I have only encountered two in my lifetime.....
What do you mean - Geordie accent is funny - I don't hear anyone laught - and anyway say that in Geordieland and you'll soon see who would be laughing. :-)
"What do you mean? RP?"

Just a tongue in cheek LOTR reference is all. The previous one was from Star Wars ;)

"There must be some standards, mustn't there?"

Watch out bud, the world hates prescriptivists. Just saying. On a more serious note though, I totally agree there must be a benchmark accent, an international prototype kilogram if you will, so no worries your RP is safe :)
edytowany przez potpourri: 07 wrz 2013
"There must be some standards, 'mustn't there' (co to jest grudziu?)?"


What is wrong with that? For auxiliary and modal verbs, we use the same verb in the tag as we used in the initial statement. For other verbs, we use the verb 'do' in the tag.
grudziu, serduszko moje
"There must be some standards, 'mustn't there'
Ja bym wolala: There must be some standards, must there not?
Ok, I got it, dear friend. :-)
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