email do kolegi z ameryki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Emily,
How are you? Thank you for your last email. I am so exciting that you visiting me the day after tomorrow. Are you already packed ?
So… How’s final preparations for the trip? I hope that you remember about very important consignment for me. You cannot forget about this! Could you bring me from the USA the new book about Harry Potter? The tittle of this book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I hope that is not problem for you. I will restore the money. In the first day we will see a Kraków. We will go to on the Wawel and church Mariacki. Wawel is a castle when the Polish kings lived. You will very delighted of this view. On the airport I will wait for you next to newspaper’s shop. But if I be late you waiting for me there.
I can not belive that I will see you soon!

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tej pracy, jestem początkująca więc zapewne jest w niej wiele błędów, dlatego proszę również o ich poprawienie. To dla mnie bardzo ważne. Z góry dziękuje :))
I am so exciting NIE TA FORMA that you ___ BRAK SLOWA visiting me the day after tomorrow.
So… How’s ____ PRZEDIMEK final preparations for the trip?
I hope that you remember about very important consignment??? for me.
Could you bring me from the USA the new book about Harry Potter? /JAKOS SZYK MI TU NIE GRA/
The tittle of this book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I hope that is not ____ problem for you.
I will restore the money. /INNE SLOWA/
In the first day we will see a Kraków. /nie IN, nie A i inny czas/
We will go to on the Wawel and church Mariacki.
Wawel is a castle when KIEDY??? the Polish kings lived.
You will ___ very delighted of this view.
On the airport I will wait for you next to newspaper’s +PRZEDIMEK shop.
But if I be late you waiting for me there.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 14 paź 2013
Edit: nie zauwazylem ze jest will w zdaniu o zwiedzaniu Krakow, czyli czas jest ok.