
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o pomoc

Complete the second part of each phrase.

1) The Sydney Opera House is a world-.....(famous)......
attraction in Australia.
2) Humanitarian.......(aid).... is funded by individuals,
organisations and governments.
3) Most asylum........(refugee).......are granted asylum
because it is unsafe to return to their own
4) Coordinating relief............ is an increasingly
international task.
5) The sheer amount of help provided by
volunteers around the world is awe- ......(inspiring).........
6) Young people in Somalia have grown up in a
country divided by civil ...............
7 )Floods have claimed more lives that any other
natural ......(disasters).........
8 )Labour......(market)........ trends show that in Britain
one fi fth of the population is economically
9 )The area of Kashmir in south Asia has been the
subject of a long-............ territorial dispute for
over half a century.
10) Race.............. in the USA were positively
infl uenced by the election of the country’s fi rst
black president.
3 ubiegający się o azyl
4 operacje?
6 niepokoje
9 dlugotrwaly
10 relacje?
7) Floods have claimed more lives that any other
natural ......(disasters).........

bez s.

10) napięcia?
4. effort?
9. standing
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Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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