Jak to poprawić, żeby było dobrze.???????

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cheese Rolling, the cheese rolling race down the steep hill takes place every year in Gloucestershire, UK. Daredevils throw themselves down the steep, grassy slopes of Coopers Hill in pursuit of a huge, weighing approximately 4kg Double Gloucester cheese. There are four playable races. In fact, it is impossible to catch the cheese, which runs on a steep slope at high speed. The winner is the first to reach the foot of the slopes. Winner takes home an extraordinary event ser.To traditions dating back to the Middle Ages.
naprawde myslisz, ze nikt nie zauwazy?

nie poprawiamy po translatorach
cos mi tu nie ladnie pachnie - tekst pozyczony z innego zrodla, a pare bledow zrobione zebysmy mysleli ze sam napisal. Nieladnie.
The winner takes it all ...It reminds me of an old ABBA's classic:)


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