
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
If a word or phrase in bold is in the correct form, put a tick. If it's not correct write the correct form.

People (1) have been dreaming of having a personal means of communication for a long time. In the late 1960s, the idea (2) had seemed so far in the future that it (3) was included in the science fiction series, Star Trek. Since the 1980s, however, mobile (4) became a part of everyday life. Although they (5) were initially seen as a status symbol for successful business people, mobile use (6) had spread to include practically everyone in the developed world, old and young alike. The impact on social life (7) had been enormous. We have got used to the idea of having constantly changing social plans, where a quick phone call is all takes to rearrange things. Before this was possible, there were many occasions when friends who (8) had arranged to meet completely (9) had missed each other because of a slight misunderstanding. People would often have to make very careful arrangements to be sure of meeting up. As mobiles (10) have been becoming more popular, so they (11) have become more powerful. The large, unreiable mobile phone of the 180s (12) has evolved into the small stylish phone of today.

Moje odp.
1 were dreaming
2 seemed
3 dobrze
4 has become
5 had been seen
6 spread
7 was
8 dobrze
9 missed
10 were
11 dobrze
12 dobrze
edytowany przez poliglota67: 06 lis 2013
1 were dreaming - jeśli użyjesz "were dreaming", to by znaczyło, że na świecie już nie ma ludzi :-(
5 had been seen - dlaczego?
6 spread - raczej nie
7 was - raczej nie
10 were - raczej nie. Powinno byc w tym samym czasie co 11, jeśli obie rzeczy działy się równocześnie. W obu przypadkach użyłabym Past Simple.
11 dobrze - jak wyżej