sprawdzenie pracy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam ogromną prośbę, napisałam ostatnio pracę na temat baśni niestety wiem że mam ogromny problem z układaniem poprawnych zdań. Czy mógł by mi ją ktoś sprawdzic i poprawic mi ewentualne błędy lub dac mi jakies podpowiedzi względem mojej pracy z góy serdecznie dziękuję i zamieszczam poniżej moją pracę.

The fairy tale is the best friend of children which familiarize them during in the periods of growing up to the real world. Kids also have their own problems. One such example might be a simple argument. At the moment the fairy tale helps the child to solve difficult situations. These factors prepare small children to further stages of life.
There are also people for whom the fairy tales are very important. Humans derive a wisdom from them because fairy tales lecture us through whole life. They show us how we should solve our problems and that goodness exists. The tales induce us to inner reflections. The fairy tales as kind of catharsis. Our life can be compared to fairy tales whose author is God. We are the main characters who come up against obstacles and problems. However we believe that goodness wins in the end. In the other hand our reward is life in heaven which is waiting for us.
The fairy tales keep us company through our lives. Unfortunately, we forget about their values when we grow up. The tales lose their an important role. It happens that we return to them when we read a bed-time story child or go to the cinema. We should stop a moment and thinking about our childhood friend.
The fairy tale is the best friend of children which 'familiarize' (3os.l.poj -tale-it) them during 'in' (nie rozumiem dlaczego dalas 'in') the periods of 'growing up to' (cos tu nie tak) the real world. 'Kids' (a dlacego nie napisalas 'children'? to nie jest to samo) also have their own problems.
'At the moment' (cos tu nie tak) the fairy tale helps the child to solve difficult situations.
Humans derive 'a' (niepotr) wisdom from them because fairy tales 'lecture us' (cos tu nie tak) throughOUT (cos tu brak) whole life.
The tales induce us 'to' (ja bym dala 'towards') inner reflections. The fairy tales (cos tu brak) as kind of catharsis.
'In' ON the other hand our reward is life in heaven which is waiting for us.
The fairy tales keep us company throughOUT our lives.
The tales lose their 'an' (dlaczego dalas 'an') important role. It happens that we return to them when we read a bed-time story (tu cos brak) child or go to the cinema. We should stop (brak slowa) a moment and 'thinking' (think) about our childhood friend.


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