Zamiana z l. poj. na

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
[l.poj. / oraz OK = bez zmian]

My friend has a turkey. / My friends are a turkeys.
This man has got a knife. / Trey men’s got a knives.
My foot smells. / OK
The police are looking for you. / OK
The roof (dach) is leaking (cieknąć, przeciekać). / The roofs are leaking.
That deer (jeleń) is big. / That deer are a big.
I have a photo of my child. Do you want to see it? / I have a photos in my children.
I need some new trousers. / OK
This shop is closed today. / This shops are closed today.
That calf (cielę) is injured (ranny). / That calves are injured.
These potatoes look tasty (smaczny). I'll have them. / OK
The student is a friendly (przyjazny) person. / They students are a friendly people.
Where are my gloves (rękawice)? I can't find them. / OK
This shelf is too high. / These shelves are too high.
The fox looks dangerous. Don't touch (dotykać) it. / These foxes looks dangerous. Don't touch their.
My tooth is hurting me. / OK
How much is the goose? / How much are these geese?
I don't like these glasses. I'm not going to wear them. / OK
The cherry is sweet. I'll take it. / The cherry are sweets. I'll take them.
A mouse is a rodent (gryzoń). / These mice are a rodents.
Te wyrazy w nawiasie jest dla mnie - tłumaczenie. Proszę na to niepatrzeć - zapomniałam wykasować. :-l
oj Pegi Pegi : )
w pierwszym napisałaś, że moimi przyjaciółmi są indyki
poszukaj sobie informacji o przedimkach (np. nie stawiamy a przed rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej), niektóre rzeczowniki są nieregularne np. foot/feet, deer/deer, sheep/sheep
Poprawiłam: hm....

My friend has a turkey. / My friends have turkeys.
This man has got a knife. / These men have knives.
My foot smells. / My feet smell.
The police are looking for you. / OK.
The roof (dach) is leaking (cieknąć, przeciekać). / The roofs are leaking.
That deer (jeleń) is big. / These deer are big.
I have a photo of my child. Do you want to see it? / I have photos of my children. Do you want to see it?
I need some new trousers. / OK.
This shop is closed today. / These shops are closed today.
That calf (cielę) is injured (ranny). / These calves are injured.
These potatoes look tasty (smaczny). I'll have them. / The potatos look tasty. I'll have it.
The student is a friendly (przyjazny) person. / Students are friendly people.
Where are my gloves (rękawice)? I can't find them. / Where is my glove? I can't find it.
This shelf (półka) is too high. / These shelves are too high.
The fox looks dangerous. Don't touch (dotykać) it. / Foxes looks dangerous. Don't touch their.
My tooth is hurting me. / My teeth hurting me.
How much is the goose? / How much are geese?
I don't like these glasses. I'm not going to wear them. / OK.
The cherry is sweet. I'll take it. / The cherries are sweet. I'll take them.
A mouse is a rodent (gryzoń). / Mice are rodents.
do you want to see THEM?
the potato LOOKS
THE foxes, don't touch THEM
my teeth ARE hurting me
THE geese
This man has got a knife. / These men have knives. -- jeśli to zadanie książkowe/testowe to może warto trzymać się jednej formy (brytyjskiej lub amerykańskie) "mieć"
I have photos of my children. Do you want to see it? -- czy na pewno photos to "it"?
The potatos look tasty. I'll have it. - tu jak rozumiem miała być liczba pojedyncza? Czy miało być dalej potatoes?
Foxes looks dangerous. Don't touch their. -- jak foxes to looks? I their ->?.
My teeth hurting me -- czegoś brakuje.

Tyle znalazłam ja :)
Cytat: klaudek_maly
This man has got a knife. / These men have knives. -- jeśli to zadanie książkowe/testowe to może warto trzymać się jednej formy (brytyjskiej lub amerykańskie) "mieć"
I have photos of my children. Do you want to see it? -- czy na pewno photos to "it"?
The potatos look tasty. I'll have it. - tu jak rozumiem miała być liczba pojedyncza? Czy miało być dalej potatoes?
Foxes looks dangerous. Don't touch their. -- jak foxes to looks? I their ->?.
My teeth hurting me -- czegoś brakuje.

Tyle znalazłam ja :)

This man has got a knife. / These men HAVE GOT knives. ?? Tak dobrze?
I have a photo of my child. Do you want to see it? / I have photos of my children. Do you want to see them?
These potatoes look tasty. I'll have them. / The potato look tasty. I'll have it.
The fox looks dangerous. Don't touch it. / The foxes look dangerous. Don't touch them.
My tooth is hurting me. / My teeth are hurting me.

A wydawało sie takie proste. :-)
Nie wiem czy powinnaś pisac ME w zdaniu o bolących zębach;) moze to cos BrE?
w polskiej szkole uczy się tylko BrE
Kwestią jest, czy ME tam piszemy;) W UK, u dentysty powiemy my teeth are hurting ME?
nigdy nie byłem w UK u dentysty : )
zdanie dla mnie jest ok, ale faktycznie może w USA inaczej sie troche mówi
My tooth is hurting me. <- tak jest w zadaniu.
moja to: My teeth are hurting me.

Więc już nie wiem....
Cytat: Pegi_Pegi
My tooth is hurting me. <- tak jest w zadaniu.
moja to: My teeth are hurting me.
Więc już nie wiem....
nikt nie protestuje ze nie. Dyskutuje z kolegą zielonosiwy re. inna czesc w tym zdaniu;)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 22 lis 2013
Cytat: fui_eu
Kwestią jest, czy ME tam piszemy;) W UK, u dentysty powiemy my teeth are hurting ME?

nie wiem czy ktos tak powie w UK a jeszcze w dodatku u dentysy
ale absolutnie nie wylkuczalbym takie uzycie z 'ME' w AmE
My tooth still hurts me.
My tooth/back still hurts me.

Merriam Webster to nie jest slownik z uzyciem BrE, o nie, daleko nie
edytowany przez savagerhino: 22 lis 2013
I don't consider it strange to use an object pronoun there.
znow to cholertwo tu chodzi chyba czy co

p.s. wiem dlaczego mi sie tak zrobili z tymi postami az 3 razy
mam zaduza predkosc prawie 200 :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 22 lis 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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