test - how much do you remember?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o sprawdzenie, i pomoc w rozwiązaniu
Choose which answer fits best.
1) It´s _______a long way; I think we should go by car.
A) fairly B) pretty B) very D) rather
moja odp. D
2) That new exhibition of Mexican art is very____________
a) wonderful B) marvelous c) impressive d) incredible
odp C
3) Only one of these cars was ever made so it´s totally__________
a) unique b) rare c) unusual d) strange
odp A
4) The critics love Newman´s art but he hasn´t had much _________success.
a) economic b) economical c) commercial d) businesslike
odp C
5) We were just going out when there was a sudden heavy ________
a) rain b)downpour c) drizzle d) hail
Open cloze. Think of the word which fits best. Tego zadania zupełnie nie potrafię wykonać
1) The capital is about two hours _______by train.
2) What _______coming round for a meal this weekend?
3) I haven´t decided ________to go for my holiday this weekened.
4) Tom wants to be a vet because he´ s very interested ____animals.
5) Sarah objected ____my going to Miami for the Summer.
Word Formation.
1) The survival of many animals is _______by humans. THREAT - odp threatening
2) There are some __________between the two animals. SIMILAR - odp. similarity
3) Can the difference in the results be explained__________? SCIENCE - odp.scientific
4) Terry´s probably the ________person I know. He´s always alone. FRIEND - odp. most friendly
5) ______is good for the economy but bad for wildlife. TOUR - odp touring

Key word transformations.
1) I stopped until my 26th birthday. STOPPED
I ....................................... 26. odp. stopped to spoke ???
2) Did you pay that bill, do you know? REMEMBER
Do .................................................. that bill? odp. you remember about paying
3) Dan doesn´t live very far from his office. FAIRLY
Dan´s office ....................................his house. odp. is a fairly far from
4) Five years ago very few tourists went to the city. ANY
There ...................................... the city five years ago. odp.didn’t go any tourists to
6) The children had wanted to go to the zoo for ages. FORWARD
They had been .......................................... the zoo for ages. odp.looking forward to go to
ale wykonaj ten test a nie oczekujesz oklasków : ]
jak by ktoś nie widział, to odpowiedzi swoje podałam albo pod każdym podpunktem albo na końcu każdego zdania po słowie "odp." (oprócz zadania 2)
ćw 1 ok

1) The survival of many animals is _______by humans. THREAT - odp threatening - napisalas: jest zagrażający przez ludzi
2) There are some __________between the two animals. SIMILAR - odp. similarity - napisałaś: są pewne podobieństwo
3) Can the difference in the results be explained__________? SCIENCE - odp.scientific - napisałaś: czy można ... wyjaśnić naukowy
4) Terry´s probably the ________person I know. He´s always alone. FRIEND - odp. most friendly - ale ma byc jedno slowo
5) ______is good for the economy but bad for wildlife. TOUR - odp touring - ma byc: turystyka

1) The capital is about two hours _______by train. = Stolica jest odlegla o dwie godziny... pociągiem
3) I haven´t decided ________to go for my holiday this weekened. - nie zdecydowalem... pojechac na wolne w ten weekend

1) I stopped until my 26th birthday. STOPPED
I ....................................... 26. odp. stopped to spoke ??? zle przepisalas. W kazdtm razie 'przestać coś robić' - stop doing sth
2) Did you pay that bill, do you know? REMEMBER
Do .................................................. that bill? odp. you remember about paying - usun jedno slowo
3) Dan doesn´t live very far from his office. FAIRLY
Dan´s office ....................................his house. odp. is a fairly far from - po pierwsze 'a' jes tniepotrzebne, bo tam nie ma rzeczownika. Po drugie, on mieszka daleko czy blisko?
4) Five years ago very few tourists went to the city. ANY
There ...................................... the city five years ago. odp.didn’t go any tourists to - nie mowi sie there didn't go. Ma byc 'nie bylo'
6) The children had wanted to go to the zoo for ages. FORWARD
They had been .......................................... the zoo for ages. odp.looking forward to go to - po look forward to uzywa sie formy gerund


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie