Podanie o pracę

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie pod względem gramatycznym i ogólnym czy jest okej. Pozdrawiam!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to response to your advertisement for IT specialist which appeared on the Internet connected with permanent job offer.

In March of this year I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science from University of Łódź. Furthermore, I completed an additional course SS5 system which I attended for two years.
My studies equipped me with a lot of theoretical knowledge which I used in a 3-month internship so I have practical experience.

I am a hard working person and willing to work. I like the friendly atmosphere at work so that work can become more effective. I am fluent in writing and speaking in English, therefore working with foreigners is not a problem. I have a car so I can adapt to different working hours.

I would like to take the position which would give me more responsibility and allow me to show personal initiative.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
edytowany przez arturek999: 02 sty 2014
??? :(
??? :((
I am writing to response to your advertisement for IT specialist which appeared on the Internet connected with permanent job offer.
wiedząc ze RESPONSE nie jest czasownikiem, dodając parę przedimkow i skupiając sie nad treścią ie. szyk, spróbuj sam poprawić to zdanie.
Cytat: arturek999
I am writing to response to your advertisement for IT specialist which appeared on the Internet connected with permanent job offer. - internet jest powiązany ze stala oferta pracy?

In March of this year I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science DEGREE from PRZEDIMEK University of Łódź. Furthermore, I PRESENT PERFECT completed an additional course SS5 system DODATKOWY SYSTEM SSS KURSU which I attended for two years.
My studies equipped BARDZO PO POLSKU, ALE NIECH BEDZIE me with a lot WYRAZENIE POTOCZNE of theoretical knowledge which I used in a 3-month internship GDZIE, CO ROBILES PODCZAS PRAKTYK, PARZYLES KAWE? so I have practical experience.

I am a hard working person and willing to work. I like the TE, O KTOREJ BYLA MOWA W OGLOSZENIU? friendly atmosphere at work so that NIE ROZUMIEM: LUBISZ PRZYJAZNA ATMOSFERE, ZEBY PRACA BYLA WYDAJNIEJSZA work can become more effective. I am fluent in writing and speaking in English, therefore working with foreigners is UZYJ ii TRYBU WARUNKOWEGO not a problem. I have a car so I can adapt to different working hours.

I would like to take the position A MASZ WYBOR KILKU ETATOW? which would give me more responsibility and allow me to show personal initiative.

Thank you for considering my application.<-TAKICH RZECZY NIE PISZA I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Poprawiłem wszystko tylko nie za bardzo wiem w jaki sposób skonstruować to zdanie, aby użyć II okres warunkowego. '' Jeżeli miałbym pracować z obcokrajowcami to nie byłoby to dla mnie problemem, ponieważ mówię i piszę płynnie po angielsku'' ? ale kombos :P
edytowany przez arturek999: 06 sty 2014
working with foreigners would not be a problem because I am fluent...
nie za bardzo lubie slowo 'foreigners' lepiej 'foreign speakers' - musi to byc PC.
Dzięki wszystkim za pomoc :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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