Dzięki za odpowiedź. Oto zmiany, które wprowadziłem.
The purpose of present BSc THIS thesis was to DEVELOP THE conception of A laboratory constituting PRZEDIMEK energy harvesting circuit based on MFC piezoelectric NIE W LICZBIE MNOGIEJ ALBO Z JAKIMS RZECZOWNIKIEM?.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop the conception of a laboratory constituting an energy harvesting circuit based on MFC piezoelectrics.
THE THESIS describes the essential elements of which such a system must contain TO 'OF' BYLO W GOOGLE TRANSLATE. KORZYSTALES Z TRANSLATORA?.
The thesis describes the essential elements which such a system must contain.
Tak jest, wspomagałem się translatorem , ale tylko w charakterze słownika. Całości nie tłumaczyłem.
The first part includes the analysis and necessary calculations to achievements=OSIĄGNIĘCIA a minimum<-ODPOWIEDNIE? deformation of beam to obtain voltage required to power the LED.
The first part includes the analysis and necessary calculations to get a minimum deformation of beam to obtain voltage required to power the LED.
To calculate vibration frequency of beam and arise<-CO TO MA ZNACZYC? deformations W TYM ZDANIU BRAKUJE PODMIOTU. UZYJ STRONY BIERNEJ used MD Pastran/Nastran.
MD Pastran/Nastran was used to calculate vibration frequency of beam and appear deformations.
The second chapter describes analytical calculations and experimental analysis of voltage generated by the POJEDYNCZA? M-81514-P2 piezoelectric film.
The second chapter describes analytical calculations and experimental analysis of voltage generated by the M-81514-P2 piezoelectric film.
Tak, chodzi nam o określenie jaki prąd uzyskujemy przy pomocy jednej folii, aby na podstawie wymagań prądowych odbiornika móc określić wymaganą ich liczbę.
Therefore=DLATEGO TEŻ, the results were not sufficient to implementation TU MUSI BYC BEZOKOLICZNIK of the initial order=ZAMÓWIENIE, ROZKAZ, the last part of dissertation presents possible solutions of the problem SO that the receiver can work properly using only energy from the JEDNEJ WIBRACJI? piezoelectric vibration.
Because the results were not sufficient to implementation of the initial assumptions, the last part of dissertation presents possible solutions of the problem so that the receiver can work properly using only energy from the piezoelectric vibrations.
To Because z przodu mi się jakoś nie podoba :p dlatego szukałem innego słowa.
I jak teraz to wygląda?