go run thorough red tape

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy możn napisać: time to go/run through a lot of red tape?
chodziło mi ogólnie o run, bo nie za bardzo znalazło mi wyniki
run i go są poprawne : }
Thank you.
Co wogóle ma to znaczyć?;)
przechodzić przez biurokrację?
Zwykle jest czasownik CUT;)
ale to znaczy coś innego z tego co wiem
to eliminate or neutralize something complicated, such as bureaucratic rules and procedures
a mi po prostu chodzi o 'przechodzić, przebrnąć'
'go through' bedzie ok w twoim przykladzie jesli to chcesz przekazac co piszesz
to znaczenie co napisales jest idiom i ma troche inny wydzwiek

"And many local farmers adopt the same environmentally friendly growing practices as those certified organic by the USDA (the only people that can call themselves organic), but do not want to go through the red tape associated with being certified."

"Boy, what you said about going to -- going to the vet -- the VA and if you didn't have PTSD when you got there, you'd -- after the -- going through the red tape you'd end up with it".
we're in for some red tape
w skrocie: in for some red tape
Dzięki Wam ;)
mozesz dac tez 'wade through' albo ostatecznie 'get through'
Cytat: savagerhino
mozesz dac tez 'wade through' albo ostatecznie 'get through'

Dobzie. Już dałem 'go', ale zapamiętam :)
>>Dobzie. Już dałem 'go', ale zapamiętam :)

Oh no, I'll have to report that to the very special inimical post-socialist red tape kelbasa committe :)
The'll put you on their red tape crap list:)
I'm sorry
Ain't afraid of them. Feel free to do it xD
That's the spirit!
Some people don't really need an AR-15 rifle right off the bat to make things right:)
I guess so ;d
I guess not.
jak potakujesz negacje;)
Dzięki ;)
xpabloxx1 - what I can say to you for future posting...

don't listen to every answer you can see here coz you might remember something incorrectly, and this may cause problems for you in future. Because this what you get into your brain first is gonna stuck in your brain, you know. Wait for somebody as 'savagerhino' or me who really wanna help you and know how to do it. 'get through' is more professional than 'go'. For sure there is much more wors you can use, just search in your head, the idiom sounds: 'red tape'.
Jak odpowiadamy, to staramy sie to robic bezblednie. Sugerowanie, ze asker moze polegac na tobie, kiedy twoj ang. jest 'below par' daje jemu znac, ze twoj ang. jest o.k. a tak wlasnie nie jest.

Don't listen to every answer you can see here 'coz' (co to za slowo?) you might remember something incorrectly, and this may cause problems for you in (brak predimka) future. 'Because' (generalnie nie zaczynamy zdan z 'because' to nie jest funkcja tego slowa w zdaniu) this what you 'get' (zle slowo) into your brain first (cos brak) is 'gonna' (napisz to w calosci) 'stuck' (zle slowo) in your brain, you know. Wait for somebody (brak slowa) as 'savagerhino' or me who really 'wanna' (po jakiemu to?) help you and know how to do it. 'get through' is more professional than 'go'. For sure there is much more 'wors' (popraw) you can use, just search in your head, the idiom 'sounds' (zle slowo): 'red tape'.
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this what jest źle
there is jest źle przed words
much jest zle przed words
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.