Jak odpowiadamy, to staramy sie to robic bezblednie. Sugerowanie, ze asker moze polegac na tobie, kiedy twoj ang. jest 'below par' daje jemu znac, ze twoj ang. jest o.k. a tak wlasnie nie jest.
Don't listen to every answer you can see here 'coz' (co to za slowo?) you might remember something incorrectly, and this may cause problems for you in (brak predimka) future. 'Because' (generalnie nie zaczynamy zdan z 'because' to nie jest funkcja tego slowa w zdaniu) this what you 'get' (zle slowo) into your brain first (cos brak) is 'gonna' (napisz to w calosci) 'stuck' (zle slowo) in your brain, you know. Wait for somebody (brak slowa) as 'savagerhino' or me who really 'wanna' (po jakiemu to?) help you and know how to do it. 'get through' is more professional than 'go'. For sure there is much more 'wors' (popraw) you can use, just search in your head, the idiom 'sounds' (zle slowo): 'red tape'.