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Recenzja filmu "Pamiętnik"

My favourite film is "The Diary" direction by Nick Cassavetes. Film is a drama The film tells the story about big love, is based on the story of the novel Nicholas Sparks. This is a story about a man and a woman who are nursing home patients, who have a more enjoyable time reading the diary in which is described the greatlove story.She is suffering from Alzheimer's and he was under the treatment to restore her memory reads her diary excerpts. The diary describes the story of two young people whose combined a great love. Couple meets on the way of your love many obstacles class differences and material, objection girl's parents , war. She comes from a good family and he works in a lumperyard . He is a soldier and goes to the military. After years of going back to his hometown. It is already another man'wife. At the end of the movie turns out that the main protagonists of the history of the diary is an elderly couple from nursing home. The diary was written by an old lady before she lost memory and the story really happened. The film is very touching and very romantic. In my opinion the movie is the best scenario because it is very interesting.

My favourite film is "The Diary" 'direction' (zla czesc zdania) by Nick Cassavetes. (brak przedimka) film is a drama. The film tells the story about big love(,) (zamiast tego przecinka daj slowo 'and') is based on the story of the novel (tutaj brakuje slowa 'przez') Nicholas Sparks. This is a story about a man and a woman who are (dodalabym slowo 'both') nursing home patients, who have a more enjoyable time reading the diary 'in' (niepotr) which 'is' (niepotr) describeS the great love story.She is suffering from Alzheimer's and 'he was under the treatment' (ale jaki, cos tu nie tak, napisz dokladniej) to restore her memory reads her (brak przedimka) diary excerpts. The diary describes the story of two young people 'whose' (zle slowo, tutaj wystarczy 'who') 'combined' (to jest zle slowo) a great love. (przedimek) couple 'meets' (tutaj 'meet') on the way of 'your' (twoim? cos tu nie tak) love many obstacles (tutaj musisz dac cos jak 'na przyklad, albo ) class differences and 'material' (jaki 'material'? nie rozumiem tego), (brak przedimka) objection (brak 2 slowa) girl's parents(,) (niw dawaj przecinkow jak juz na koncu zdania, tutaj lepiej daj...and the) war. She comes from a good family and he works in a 'lumperyard' (sprawdz dokladnie to slowo) .
After years 'of going back' (cos tu nie tak, pomysl, tu jest zly czas) to his hometown. 'It' (chyba nie nazywasz 'kobiete' - 'it' tutaj? pomysl) is already another 'man' ' (Nie, tu slowo jest 'man's) wife. At the end of the 'movie' (mieszasz pomiedzy AmE a BrE- wjak zaczeles 'film' to dlaczego idziesz na 'movie' to nie jest to samo) turns out that the main protagonists of the history of the diary 'is' (zle, to ma sie zgadzac z rzeczownikiem 'protagonists-l. mn) an elderly couple from (przedimek) nursing home. The diary was written by an old lady before she lost (cos tu brak, moze byc przedimek albo cos innego) memory and the story really happened.
In my opinion the 'movie' (nie, tutaj daj 'film') 'is' (nie, tutaj musisz dac 'has'-posiada) the best scenario because it is very interesting.
It turns out that at the end of the film ..