Cześć! :)
Czy mogłabym prosić kogoś o sprawdzenie poprawności mojego opowiadania i ewentualne wskazanie, gdzie popełniłam błędy? Z góry dziękuję za wszelką pomoc! :)
When I was a little girl, my plans about my future job have been changing kaleidoscopically. I panted for being a prominent actress, a chef, a chimney sweep, a well-thought-of teacher and ultimately a hair stylist-this occupation was my biggest dream.
Everything has begun when I had seen a commercial about a kit of tonsorial accessories for children. It shouldn’t be surprising that I absolutely have desired to get this toy. I was pestering my mom for a long time so she buckled and my dream came true. 89
That day I wanted to try my would-be skills of cutting hair I was in my grandma’s safekeeping. She has been knitting sitting at the table. I hid under it with my
plastic precious mirror, comb and the most important-scissors. My intention was having a fringe but unfortunately the scissors were so blunt that I creeped up on my grandma and took the real ones. I was so fascinated cutting my hair so I haven’t realised I shed a half of my locks. After a few minutes I saw what I had done and trust me, it wasn’t pretty. I crawled out from under table and started to howl at the top of my voice. I was begging my grandma for affix my hair back with glue what must have looked ridiculous! Since then I had to wear a headband and to wait over 6 months to look like a normal kid again. What’s more, I haven’t wanted to be a hair stylist again!