Sprawdzenie formy gramatycznej dialogu :)

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Witajcie, bardzo prosiłabym o pomoc i sprawdzenie tego dialogu pod względem gramatyki, już nawet nie chodzi o treść.
Zadanie było takie aby napisać dialog z kolegą/koleżanką o urodzinach kolegi, i omówić kwesti jedzenie, dojazdu, ubioru i prezentu, liczę na pomoc i doradzenie mi :)

-Hi Moni!
-Ooo ! Hello Suzi!
-Did you remember on Saturday is birthday Tom ?
-That is clear. I always remember when Tom has birthday.
-It is good. How did you gif him a gif?
-He is mad about football. I bought him the ball., What about you? /And you?
- Ohh... seriously? But the case.. I bought gim a shirt of his favorite football club.
-That's great. I hope he likes it.
- What about drive?/ And how are you going to birthday ?
-Hmm.. I think when it foesn't rain I will go by bike.
-I also wanted to ride a bike. Can we go together?
- Sure, I come to you for 5 p.m
-And what about the food?
-I will bake a cake with 18 candles and make lemonade. So you make french ans salat.
-That's sounds good. Will be delicious food. Tom will be surprised.
-You are wearing a dress or paints?
- Will be warm so I wear a shorts and t-shirt and certainlt sneakers, must be conveniently.
-All you.. I wear a blue dres and sandals.
-Anything else?
-No, that all.
-Alright, See you soon!
edytowany przez marii26: 25 maj 2014
nie ma dialogu
*mg już jest :)
Bedę bardzo wdzięczną za pomoc :)
Cytat: marii26
-Hi Moni!
-Ooo ! Hello Suzi!
-Did you remember on Saturday is birthday Tom NIEGRAMATYCZNE
-That is clear = TO JEST JASNE. I always remember when Tom has birthday.
-He is mad about football. I bought NIE TEN CZAS, BO TO MA ZWIAZEK Z TERAZNIJESZOSCIA him the KTORA? ball., What about you? /And you?
- Ohh... seriously? But the case NIE ROZUMIEM.. I bought NIE TEN CZAS gim a shirt of his favorite football club.
-That's great. I hope he likes it.
- What about drive=PODJAZD?/ And how are you going to birthday NIEGRAMATYCZNE?
-Hmm.. I think when =KIEDY it foesn't rain I will go by bike.
-I also wanted to ride a bike. Can we go together?
- Sure, I come to you for <-ZLE SLOWO 5 p.m
-And what about the food?
-I will bake a cake with 18 candles SWIECZKI STOPIA SIE W PIEKARNIKU and make lemonade. So you make french CO? ans salat ORTOGR..
-That's sounds =TO JEST BRZMI good. BRAK PODMIOTU Will be delicious food. Tom will be surprised.
-You are wearing a dress or paints=FARBY? ZLA KONSTRUKCJA PYTANIA, ZLY CZAS
- BRAK PODMIOTU Will be warm so I wear a LICZBA MNOGA, PRAWDA? shorts and t-shirt and certainlt sneakers, BRAK PODMIOTU must be conveniently.
-All you = WSZYSTKO TY.. I wear a blue dres and sandals.
-Anything else?
-No, that BRAK CZASOWNIKA all.
-Alright, See you soon!

mógłbyś pomóc mi napisac ten dialog, aby było dobrze ?:)
przeciez pomoglem. popraw bledy
Bardzo Ci dziękuję za wskazówki! ;)) Czy teraz jest choć trochę lepiej ?

-Hi Moni!
-Ooo ! Hello Suzi!
-Do you remember?, Tom has birthday on Saturday
-Of course! . I always remember when Tom has birthday.
-It is good. What you are buying him a gif?
-He is mad about football. I buying him a ball., What about you? /And you?
- Ohh... seriously? I buying him a shirt of his favorite football club.
-That's great. I hope he likes it.
- What about access? And how are you going to birthday?
-Hmm.. I think if doesn't rain I will go by bike.
-I also wanted to ride a bike. Can we go together?
- Sure, I come to you at 5 p.m
-And what about the food?
-I will bake a cake and make lemonade. So you make french fries/chips and nuggets with salat
-That sounds good. Food will be delicious. Tom will be surprised.
-You are wearing a dress or trousers?
- A weather Will be warm so I wear a short and t-shirt and certainly sneakers, me must be conveniently.
-Whole you = I wear a blue dress and sandals.
-Anything else?
-No, that’s all.
-Alright, See you soon!
what gift ............ him (pamiętaj o inwersji) <<< jaki prezent mu kupujesz?
I buying him - niegramatyczne, jak sie tworzy present continuous?
I buying him - to samo
(przedimek) access
I come to you at 5 p.m <<< zły czas
salat <<< zła pisownia, jedna literka
(przedimek) food
a weather << zly przedimek
I wear <<< zly czas
me must be <<< co to znaczy?
whole you <<< cała ty?? czy to nie polonizm?
I wear << zły czas
-Hi Moni!
-Ooo ! Hello Suzi!
-Do you remember?, Tom has birthday on Saturday
-Of course! . I always remember when Tom has birthday.
-It is good. What are you buying him a gif?
-He is mad about football. I am buying him a ball., What about you? /And you?
- Ohh... seriously? I am buying him a shirt of his favorite football club.
-That's great. I hope he likes it.
- What about the access? And how are you going to birthday?
-Hmm.. I think if doesn't rain I will go by bike.
-I also wanted to ride a bike. Can we go together?
- Sure, I am going to come to you at 5 p.m
-And what about the food?
-I will bake a cake and make lemonade. So you make french fries/chips and nuggets with salad
-That sounds good. The food will be delicious. Tom will be surprised.
-You are wearing a dress or trousers?
- The weather will be warm so I wearing a short and t-shirt and certainly sneakers, I must be conveniently. And you?
- I wearing a blue dress and sandals.
-Anything else?
-No, that’s all.
-Alright, See you soon!

nie wiem jak mam Ci dziękować, za pomoc :))
-Do you remember?, Tom has (tutaj brakuje przedimka) birthday on Saturday
-Of course! . I always remember when Tom has (brak przedimka) birthday.
-'It' (to jest zle slowo, tu musi byc THAT) is good. What are you buying him AS a 'gif' (blad ortog)?

- What about 'the access' (to jest calkowicie zle - nie wiem o co chodzi)? And how are you going to (tu cos brak) birthday?
-Hmm.. I think if (tu cos brak) doesn't rain I will go by bike.

-'You are' (nie, tu musi byc pytanie..ARE YOU) wearing a dress or trousers?
- The weather will be warm so I (tu brakuje 2 slowa) wearing 'a' (niepotr) 'short' (popraw) and t-shirt and certainly sneakers, I must be 'conveniently' (zla czesc mowy i calkowicie zle slowo).
- I (tu cos brak) wearing a blue dress and sandals.
the access to the party nie może być, Terri?
Cytat: zielonosiwy
the access to the party nie może być, Terri?

nie za bardzo, bo tutaj jest mowa o 'podrozy' - w jaki sposob tam dojada. Potrzebuje to innego slowa.
I come to you... naprawdę w BrE tak się mówi? /kontekst jw/;)
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