Jak spędziłam ostanie wakacje letnie?
- wypracowanie na 150-200 słów, czasy Past Simple i Past Continuous
- zawartość jak powyżej( tzn. gdzie byłam, z kim, na jak długo, jak spędzałam czas)
My last holiday was really good. Together with my family We were in słovakow. The weather there was beautiful and really hot. We got to słowacji by car. We lived at a hotel very near the centre of lipovskimikulas, and spent nearly all of our time in the mountains hiking, getting up early in the morning and going hiking right after breakfast. We usually came back late - generally around 7PM, and then had dinner. The first day we were so tired that we did not get to go to the mountains but just went for a walk along lipowskimikulas. . On the second day (on Tuesday) we went to Cholpok, which is located at an altitude of 2004 m n.m. and then on Wednesday, we visited the ice cave.. . On the fourth day we went on a trip to Tatralandia, which is an aqua park. May son was very happy. During our stay we rode the slides, swam in the pools and suntanned. May son was jumping bouncy castle and rode the carousel. On Friday we also were tatralandia. May son really wanted to spending the time. The swimming all dey, and actively spent time at parties organized in the park. On Saturday morning, we left the mountains and came back home.