Straszna podróż jaka miałem

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nie wiedziałem w jakim temacie mam założyć ten temat, ponieważ prosiłbym o sprawdzenie ale też dołożenie, lub chociaż podrzucenie pomysłu co mógłbym dopisać do tak prostego tematu a brakuje mi niewielu słów. Tematem jest opisanie strasznej podróży, jaka mi się przytrafiła.
Z góry dziękuje za pomoc.

I had a few nightmare journeys in my life, but the most terrible trip I can remember happened to me six years ago. My friends and I went to the big city Zevenbergen in the Netherlands for exchange with students from local school. Departure of our bus was planned at 4:30 AM.
As soon as we got in we had to leave the vehicle immediately, because policemen discovered that one of our drivers isn’t allowed to drive. We had to wait one hour for another driver and we hadn’t been driven for a one second yet! Finally, we set out at 5:30AM. Road to Germany went quick, because there weren’t too many cars except us. Everything was going great, when suddenly our bus hit in a wall of flyover. We lost one of wing mirrors, but no one didn’t know why. Our teachers asked driver what happened but he didn’t answer them. Additionally he was still driving like nothing happened. And this wasn’t the end of our problems. In the middle of German highway when we was pulling over, our engine started to make strange noises and exhale black smoke. Drivers checked it out, and luckily for us they discover that engine is broken. It was lucky, but from the other hand we had to wait another two hours for help. When we finally got to Zevenbergen everyone was so happy and thought that this is the end of our worries. Unfortunately, we stuck in traffic jam for another one hour. So to sum up, our travel lasted nighteen hours and it supposed to be fourteen.
After all, we met our friend from the Netherlands. They were awesome and our visit there is one of my favourite. When we was coming back, nothing bad happened to us. Of course, our teachers send a complaint to the transport firm, but I don’t know if they got any compensation.
My friends and I went to the big city (cos tu brak) Zevenbergen in the Netherlands for (przedimek) exchange with students from (przedimek) local school. (przedimek) departure of our bus was planned 'at' (ja bym tu dala FOR) 4:30 AM.
As soon as we got in (ale gdzie? musisz napisac) we had to leave the vehicle immediately, because 'policemen'(mozesz tutaj napisac 'a policeman', 'two policemen' albo po prostu 'the police') discovered that one of our drivers 'isn’t' (nie, tu masz zly czas, ma byc WAS NOT) allowed to drive. We had to wait (cos brak) one hour for another driver and we hadn’t 'been' (niepotr) driven for 'a' (niepotr) one second yet! Finally, we set 'out' (mnie lepiej pasuje OFF) at 5:30AM. (przedimek) road to Germany went 'quick' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj 'jak? - quickly) , because there 'weren’t' (dziwactwo - napisz to w calosci) too many cars (ale gdzie? nie mozemy zgadywac) except us. Everything was going great, when suddenly our bus hit 'in' (niepotr) a wall of (przedimek) flyover. We lost one of (przedimek) wing mirrors, but no one 'didn’t know' (to jest zle - tutaj KNEW) why. Our teachers asked (przedimek) driver what HAD happened but he didn’t answer them. Additionally he was still driving like nothing HAD happened. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and' to jest lacznik) This (mozesz tutaj dodac 'however') wasn’t the end of our problems. In the middle of (przedimek) German highway when 'we was' (to jest zle, I was, we we...) pulling over, our engine started to make strange noises and TO exhale black smoke. (przedimek) drivers checked it out, and 'luckily' (czy naprawde chcesz to slowo uzyc, ja bym myslala, ze 'inluckily') for us they discoverED that (przedimek) engine 'is' (zly czas - opowiadasz co bylo w przeszlosci) broken. It was lucky (ale dlaczego myslisz, ze to bylo szczescie - rozwin to), but 'from' (zle slowo, tutaj ON) the other hand we had to wait another two hours for help. When we finally got to Zevenbergen everyone was so happy and thought that this 'is' (was) the end of our worries. Unfortunately, we GOT stuck in (przedimek) traffic jam for another 'one' (niepotr) hour. So to sum (mozesz tutaj dodac slowo 'everything') up, our travel lasted 'nighteen' (mozna 19) hours and it WAS supposed to be (mozesz dodac 'just') 'fourteen' (14).
After all THAT, we met our 'friend' (jednego?, jak wiecej to l. mnoga) from the Netherlands. When 'we was' (nie, tu mieszasz l. poj z l. mnoga) coming back, nothing bad happened to us. Of course, our teachers 'send' (zly czas, tutaj SENT) a complaint to the transport firm, but I don’t know if they got any compensation.
Ok, wielkie dzięki za wszelkie poprawki.
Co do transport firm nie ma żadnych uwag? Można tak to określić ?
Dodałem kilka zdań, już kompletnie wymyślając. Byłbym wdzięczny za sprawdzenie również ich.

While we were approaching Poland’s border it started to hail. Hailstones was so big that driver decided to pull over because he couldn’t see anything. It was a little bit scary, because it was dark outside and these hailstones was hitting harder and harder in our bus’s roof. We was forced to wait once again. This time our break didn’t last so long. It stopped hailing and sun was about to rise.
edytowany przez gregz23: 03 cze 2014
Transport firm brzmi jak firma ktora przewozi goods. Może np. tour company;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 03 cze 2014
Zapominasz uzywac przedimki (a, an, the) - one sa potrzebne.

(dalabym tutaj przedimka) hailstones 'was' (ale 'hailstones' to wiecej jak jedna, musi byc czasownik l. mnogiej - were') so big that (przedimek) driver decided to pull over because he couldn’t see anything. It was a little bit scary, because it was dark outside and these hailstones 'was' (znowy - jak mamy l. mnoga rzeczownika, to czasownik tez musi byc w l. mnogiej) hitting harder and harder in 'our bus’s roof' (troche niezgrabne - lepiej on the roof of our bus). 'We was' (znowu, tutaj jak masz 'we' to l. mnoga, czas. l. mnogiej jest WERE) forced to wait once again. This time our break didn’t last so long. It (dodaj slowo 'soon') stopped hailing and (przedimek) sun was about to rise.
Dzięki wielkie jeszcze raz ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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