Prosze o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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I.Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of Past Simple or Past Perfect
1.She spendt (spend) six months in the USA in 2002.
2. How many courses have you done (you, do) since you decided (decide) to learn the language.
3. The company`s profits rised (rise) by 3% last year.
4. Have you make (you, make) a lot of business trips recently ?
5. Prices don’t increase (no increase) since last year.
7.How many jobs have you done(you, have) since you leave (leave) uniwerity
8.He started(start) his own company
9.The market for our product grow(grow) a lot since 2000.
10.Sales go down(go down) in the last six months.

II.Ask questions about the underlined parts of the sentences below.
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Why did Mary smiled ?
2.They arrived in 1990. – When they arrived ?
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where Tom lived ?
4.Peter went to school – Where Peter go ?
5.Sara has startet a new business – What Sara started ?
6.My parents have always wanted to buy a new hause. - Who always want to buy a new hause ?

IV.Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs have to or don't have to
1.English is the company language so you have to speak english to get a Management position there.
2.The meeting is at 11 a.m and it`s only 10:15 so we have to hurry
3.You can drive with a national licence in that country so you don’t have to get a international driving licence
4.The Friday evening flight is always full so you have to book well in advance to sure of getting a seat

V.Complete the senteces with suitable modal verbs: should, shouldn't, may or might
1.It doesn’t usually happen but they should invite you to the theatre or to restaurant.
2.If you plan to stay in the country you really should learn the language.
3. For social events it`s not usual to arrive exactly on time might than fifteen minutes late
4.English is spoken in big towns and cites but you may find nobody speaking small towns and villages
Sprawdz w słowniku spendt i rised;)
1 nie ma czegos takiego jak spendt
2 ok, 3 zla forma, reszta źle, poczytaj sobie o past simple i present perfect, a potem rób zadania
wszystko źle, najpierw sie naucz, potem rób
ok, an international
1 źle
2 ok
3 i 4 chyba źle przepisales zdanie
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 03 cze 2014
IV nie wszystkie ok.
A teraz ?
I.Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of Past Simple or Past Perfect
1.She spent (spend) six months in the USA in 2002.
3. The company`s profits rose (rise) by 3% last year.
4. Have you make (you, make) a lot of business trips recently ?
5. Prices was don’t increase (no increase) since last year.
7.How many jobs were you done(you, have) since you left(leave) uniwerity
8.He was started (start) his own company
9.The market for our product was growed (grow) a lot since 2000.
10.Sales was go down(go down) in the last six months.

edytowany przez Reksio6231: 03 cze 2014
pomieszales wszystko
weź się tego porządnie naucz
Możesz dać jakąś radę, co do 2giego ? Jakie tam czasy powinny byc ?
I co jest źle w tym zdaniu :
8.He started (start) his own company
Przecież jest podmiot oraz odpowiednia forma słowa "start"
4 5 7 9 10 zle
wyglada na to, ze nie masz pojecia o tych czasach

8 bylo ok w pierwszej wersji.
Sprawdzałem wszystko, jeszcze raz, pytałem znajomego, i uważa że to jest dobrze.......Sprawdzcie jeszcze raz

I.Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of Past Simple or Past Perfect
1.She spent (spend) six months in the USA in 2002. ---Czas past simple
2. How many courses have you done (you, do) since you decided (decide) to learn the language. --- Past perfect simple
3. The company`s profits rose (rise) by 3% last year. --- Past simple
4. Did you make (you, make) a lot of business trips recently ? ----- Past simple
5. Prices didn’t increase (no increase) since last year. ---- Past simple
7.How many jobs you had(you, have) since you left (leave) uniwerity Past perfect
8.He started (start) his own company --- Past simple
9.The market for our product grown (grow) a lot since 2000. --- Past simple
10.Sales gone down(go down) in the last six months. --- Past simple

II.Ask questions about the underlined parts of the sentences below.
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Why Mary is smiling ?
2.They arrived in 1990. – In witch year they arrived ?
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where Tom lives ?
4.Peter went to school – Where Peter went ?
5.Sara has startet a new business – What`s Sara started ?
6.My parents have always wanted to buy a new house. - Who always want to buy a new hause ?

IV.Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs have to or don't have to
1.English is the company language so you have to speak english to get a Management position there.
2.The meeting is at 11 a.m and it`s only 10:15 so we have to hurry
3.You can drive with a national licence in that country so you don’t have to get a international driving licence
4.The Friday evening flight is always full so you have to book well in advance to sure of getting a seat

V.Complete the senteces with suitable modal verbs: should, shouldn't, may or might
1.It doesn’t usually happen but they may invite you to the theatre or to restaurant.
2.If you plan to stay in the country you really should learn the language.
3. For social events it`s not usual to arrive exactly on time but you might be than fifteen minutes late
4.English is spoken in big towns and cites but you may find nobody speaking in small towns and villages
edytowany przez Reksio6231: 03 cze 2014
4 ok, ale rownie dobrze mozna uzyc present perfect
5 'od zeszlego roku' do teraz - a wiec present perfect
w pozostalych zdaniach znajdz wyrazenia z 'since' - te wszystkie zdania dotycza czasu od jakiegos wydarzenia do teraz, a wiec maja zwiazek z terazniejszoscia. Znajdz jeszcze jedno wyrazenie, ktore takze dotyczy okresu do teraz.

1 zmieniles czas i brak inwersji
2 brak inwersji
3 4 tez zle
5 ok
6 zly czas

IV wszystko dobrze
V 3 zle, brakuje tez tam slowa more
Ale jak mam używać present perfect jak w zadaniu pisze, że mogę tylko past perfect simple oraz past simple ? Drugim takim słowem jest "for"
5. Prices didn’t increased (no increase) since last year.
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Why she is smiled ?
2.They arrived in 1990. – When they have arrived ?
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where he lives ?
4.Peter went to school – Where he went ?
ktos sie pomylil przy przepisywaniu pytania: present perfect, nie past.

5 nie

1 nie
2 nie
3 nie
4 nie

powtorz sobie podstwowe zasady zadawnaia pytan.
Nie mam pojęcia jak ma być to 5....
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Why she was smiled ?
2.They arrived in 1990. – When were they arrived ?
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where was he lives ?
4.Peter went to school – Where was he went ?
Nadal źle są te pytania ?
Przecież tam jest czas past simple...i jest to zgodne z jego budową
edytowany przez Reksio6231: 03 cze 2014
w tych pytaniach po pierwsze sa rozne czasy
Podpowiesz jakie ?
ty masz to umiec.
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Past continous (czynnośc w przeszłości)
2.They arrived in 1990. – Past simple(wydarzenie z przeszłości)
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Past simple (wydarzenie z przeszłości)
4.Peter went to school – Past continous (czynnosc z przeszłości )
Dobrze myśle?
2 past simple
reszta zle
1.Mary smailed because she was happy. – Why did Mary smile ?
2.They arrived in 1990. – When did they arrive ?
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where did he live ?
1 2 ok
3 zle
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where did Tom lived ?

Napisz mi jak ma być w tym, bo nie mam bladego pojęcia:
5. Prices didn’t increase (no increase) since last year.
Wydaje mi się, że zgodnie z budową powinno być wasn`t.
nie znasz podstaw
w obu przypadkach present perfect
A ok, skumałem już, bo on "żyje" do tej pory w tych krajach.
3.Tom has lived in many countries. – Where has Tom lived ?

Prices - cena(ona) nie rośnie od ostatnich lat(czyli do tej pory) więc
Prices haven`t increased (no increase) since last year.

ok i ok
A i jeszcze jedno, czy to jest napewno dobrze ?
IV.Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs have to or don't have to
1.English is the company language so you have to speak english to get a Management position there.
2.The meeting is at 11 a.m and it`s only 10:15 so we have to hurry
3.You can drive with a national licence in that country so you don’t have to get a international driving licence
4.The Friday evening flight is always full so you have to book well in advance to sure of getting a seat

V.Complete the senteces with suitable modal verbs: should, shouldn't, may or might
1.It doesn’t usually happen but they may invite you to the theatre or to restaurant.(Czy should tutaj nie jest "lepsze" ?
2.If you plan to stay in the country you really should learn the language.
3. For social events it`s not usual to arrive exactly on time but you might be than fifteen minutes late
4.English is spoken in big towns and cites but you may find nobody speaking in small towns and villages
pisalem juz o tym
3. For social events it`s not usual to arrive exactly on time but you should be than fifteen minutes late

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 57
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