Sprawdzenie opisu

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Prosiłabym o sprawdzenie, z racji że pisałam to sama zapewne jest mnóstwo błędów, prosiłabym o wskazanie przynajmniej części;)
Describe your workplace
I work in the big corporation. I am an accountant. My work place is located in the Warsaw. At my work place my staff members are polite and cooperative. There is a computer in every table. I have a company mobile phone and a laptop.There are some rule for every staff member in the work place. Every room is very neat and clean. It is very responsible job. My job is typical office activity. The main working tool is the computer. I have a standardized time. I start work at 8.00 am and works about 8 hours. Sometimes I work on outside the working hours.
My job that provides opportunity to learn and progress. At my work I can still learn new thinks and improve my skills. My job give me opportunity for career advancement. In my workplace there is respect for individual’s ideas and always appreciate good work as well as knowledge. I working in an interesting and professional job where everybody work hard and help each other to succeed as a team. At my work individual work is keys to success.
I am responsible for presenting in a report all carry out a financial transaction. Accountant is responsible for organize, coordination and supervision over firm.
My tasks is preparation of tax returns and reports to Social Insurance Institution and Central Statistical Office, preparation monthly report for need of bank. I must supervise the correctness of tax returns
The person who work at this position should be stress-resisting. Accountant should be honest, thorough, independent, patient. This person should knows how to solve problem and have good relationships with other employees. Job accounting is individual, but it is not an occupation for those who enjoy loneliness. As far as my earnings are satisfactory.
I really like my work place. I think people in the whole world have to go to work, because this is the one of the most important things in our live. Work is part of my life and it helps my family and me to live a normal existence.
I work in the big corporation. I am an accountant. My work place is located in the Warsaw.
znajdź zasady gdzie wstawiamy jakie przedimki i sprobuj poprawić /jeden z tych trzech jest ok/
Niektóre z pozostałych sa również źle użyte;)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 03 cze 2014
I work in the big corporation. I am accountant. My work place is located in Warsaw.
ile jest korporacji w Warszawie? nie ma tylko jednej, a wspominasz o niej po raz pierwszy
aż się prosi o użycie przedimka nieokreślonego
in a Warsaw
I work in the big corporation. I am an accountant. My work place is located in the Warsaw. At my work place my staff members are polite and cooperative. There is a computer in every table. I have a company mobile phone and a laptop.There are some rule for every staff member in the work place. Every room is very neat and clean. It is ___ very responsible job. My job is ___ typical office activity. The main working tool is the computer. I have a standardized time. NIE MAM OPINII. I start work at 8.00 am and works about 8 hours. Sometimes I work on outside the working hours.
My job that provides opportunity to learn and progress. At my work I can still learn new thinks and improve my skills. My job give me ___ opportunity for career advancement. In my workplace there is respect for individual’s ideas and always appreciate good work as well as knowledge. I working in an interesting and professional job where everybody work hard and help each other to succeed as a team. At my work ___ individual work EFFORT is ___ keys to success.
I work in a big corporation. I am an accountant. My work place is located in the Warsaw. At my work place my staff members are polite and cooperative. There is a computer on every table. I have a company mobile phone and a laptop.There are some rule for every staff member in the work place. Every room is very neat and clean. It is a very responsible job. My job is a typical office activity. The main working tool is the computer. I have a standardized working hours?. I start work at 8.00 am and I work about 8 hours. Sometimes I work outside the working hours.
My job provides opportunity to learn and progress. At my work I can still learn new things and improve my skills. My job give me an opportunity for career advancement. In my workplace there is respect for individual’s works. Company always appreciate good work as well as knowledge. I work in an interesting and professional job where everybody hard work and we help each other to succeed as a team. At my work an individual effort is the keys to success.
the Warsaw, nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /w tym kontekście;)/
rule też źle /nie zauważyłem żeby podkreślić/
Ja bym dał STANDARD i bez przedimka /wrrrrr!/
Warsaw bez przedimka
the rules
Cytat: fui_eu
Ja bym dał STANDARD i bez przedimka /wrrrrr!/

nie rozumiem do czego to się odnosi?
Do tego
I have a standardized working hours;)
ok rozumiem;) dzięki
Cytat: albuzia93
the rules
już w zdaniu jest SOME, więc nie będzie THE, chociaż tak czy inaczej, bezzzz THE.
będzie rules
W dalszym zdaniu supervise, jezeli pilnowałas kogoś pod sobą zeby poprawnie napisali raport. correctness tez bym zmienił na inne słowo również znaczące dokładność.
Zaczął bym,
My tasks are to....
Napisz obydwa akapity jeszcze raz. Tam zostalo sie jeszcze mnostwo bledow. Np.
1.At my work place my staff members - tego napewno nie masz na mysli.
2. My job provide opportunity to learn and progress.

Naucz sie uzywacz przedimkow - bo tego co chwile nie bedziemy poprawiac, a ty bedziesz tylko zgadywac tutaj ktory z ( - , a, an, the) tam pasuje.
My job provides opportunity to learn and progress.
My collaborators are polite and cooperative
I must supervise the correctness of tax returns- miałam na myśli Muszę nadzorować prawidłowość deklaracji podatkowych. Za chwilę przepiszę jeszcze raz wszystko poprawione, bo teraz to już ciężko jest się połapać co już jest zmienione
Zaznaczylam to zdanie jako bledfnie, ale TY wiesz lepiej i przepisujesz jego, zamiast myslec jak cos poprawic. Dlaczego, my mamy ci wszystko dawac na talerzu, a od Ciebie NIC. Co to?

My job provides (tutaj cos brakuje, prosze to uzupelnic) opportunity to learn and progress.
My 'collaborators' (calkowicie zle slowo, prosze nauczyc sie szukac w slownikach, na stronach internetowych, wszedzie - ale nauczyc sie dawac odpowiednie slowa) are polite and cooperative
I must 'supervise' (to jest zle, poszukaj inne odpowiednie slowo) the correctness of tax returns- miałam na myśli...to (jak Judge Judy by powiedziala - mnie nie ochodzi) ale tego nie napisalas.
przepraszam, ale w tym zdaniu co ja niby wiem lepiej to zmieniłam bo było napisane provide a zmieniłam na provides, więc jednak coś pomyślałam. My job provides an opportunity to learn and progress.
My colleagues are polite and cooperativeare.
I must inspect the correctness of fax returns.
Wbrew pozorom ja się staram to jakoś ogarnąć.
edytowany przez albuzia93: 04 cze 2014
narazie pracę mam napisaną tak:
I work in a big corporation. I am an accountant. My work place is located in Warsaw. My colleagues are polite and cooperative. There is a computer on every table. I have a company mobile phone and a laptop.There are some rules for every staff member in the work place. Every room is very neat and clean. It is a very responsible job. My job is a typical office activity. The main working tool is the computer. I have standard working hours. I start work at 8.00 am and I work about 8 hours. Sometimes I work outside the working hours.

My job provides an opportunity to learn and progress. At my work I can still learn new things and improve my skills. My job give me an opportunity for career advancement. In my workplace there is respect for individual’s works. Company always appreciate good work as well as knowledge. I work in an interesting and professional job where everybody hard work and we help each other to succeed as a team. At my work an individual effort isthe keys to success.
I am responsible for presenting in a report all carry out a financial transaction. Accountant is responsible for organize, coordination and supervision over firm.
My tasks is preparation of tax returns and reports to Social Insurance Institution and Central Statistical Office, preparation monthly report for need of bank. I must inspect the correctness of tax returns.
The person who work at this position should be stress-resisting. Accountant should be honest, thorough, independent and patient. This person should knows how to solve problem and have good relationships with other employees. Job accounting is individual, but it is not an occupation for those who enjoy loneliness. As far as my earnings are satisfactory.
I really like my work place. I think people in the whole world have to go to work, because this is the one of the most important things in our live. Work is part of my life and it helps my family and me to live a normal existence.
Dlaczego TASKS IS? Przecież podpowiedziałem ci wcześniej;)
Liczba mnoga więc are;) My tasks are to preparation of tax returns and reports to Social Insurance Institution and Central Statistical Office, preparation monthly report for need of bank.
W tych akapitach też są jakieś rażące błędy?
My tasks are to preparation of tax returns and reports to Social Insurance Institution and Central Statistical Office, preparation monthly report for need of bank. I must inspect the correctness of tax returns.
The person who work at this position should be stress-resisting. Accountant should be honest, thorough, independent and patient. This person should knows how to solve problem and have good relationships with other employees. Job accounting is individual, but it is not an occupation for those who enjoy loneliness. As far as my earnings are satisfactory.
I really like my work place. I think people in the whole world have to go to work, because this is the one of the most important things in our live. Work is part of my life and it helps my family and me to live a normal existence.
My tasks are to preparation .... dodałaś TO, więc nastepne slowo musi być czasownikiem ... Dalej nie znam sie na tych 'instytucjach' więc nic nie radzę;), potem sprobuj napisać np 'Muszę zapewnić accuracy...'
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc;) Jak ma Pan/Pani jeszcze czas i nerwy na sprawdzenie kolejnej mojej pracy to proszę o pomoc, Założyłam również osobny temat więc tu lub tam
Add your opinion on meal times in your country. Read the other opinions. Are they very different to yours?
The first meal of the day is breakfast. Usually between 7 and 8 o´clock . The polish breakfast is bread with butter and ham, cereal with milk, juice and fruit. Scrambled Eggs are very popular in Poland. We also love cooked sausages. The Poles drink tea all day.
The second breakfast is a sort of lunch. It is to be served about 11 a.m. We eat tosts, sandwiches or then anything light.
Dinner is served between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Dinner is the main meal. It might be composed of three courses especially among the traditionalists, starting with a soup like a popular tomato soup or more beet borscht , herring prepared in either cream, oil, or in aspic or other cured meats and vegetable salads. The main course usually includes a serving of meat, such as roast or breaded pork cutlet or chicken. The side dishes are usually boiled potatoes or rice. Meals often conclude with a dessert such as makowiec, a poppy seed pastry, or a yeast cake. Other Polish specialities include pork knuckles cooked with vegetables and meat dumplings.
Supper is to be served between 7 and 9 p.m. Usually we have some sandwiches and tea.
The first meal of the day is breakfast. np It is Usually eaten between 7 and 8 o´clock . The polish breakfast is np. składa się z bread with butter and ham, cereal with milk, juice and fruit. Scrambled Eggs are very popular in Poland. We also love cooked sausages. The Poles drink tea all day.
The second breakfast is a sort of lunch. It is to be served about 11 a.m. We eat tosts, sandwiches or then??? anything light.
Dalszy text zakrawa na plagiat więc wstrzymam sie dodania opinii;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 32
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