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Two Family Models
  World is changing /as well as the family models change/. If we want to compare the model of the family today to the model of the family in the nineteenth century we should /know/ some of the most /distinctive features for example role of the woman the man and the children/.
  First of all, takieng into consideration /role/ of the woman, one may notice that /compare to woman in the/ nineteenth century contemporary woman has equal rights in various spheres of life, for example she has the right to work and receive equal salary as the man does, she can vote in the election. In the nineteenth century woman had to take care /about/ her children, family, her /habitation/. She could not develop herself and realize her career. Instead of making money she had to make dinner for whole family and stay at home.
  If we discuss role of the man it seems that at present, man is not the /only feeder at/ home as it was in the nineteenth century. He is supposed to engage and participate in the family life. /Custody of children/ is not a bashful aspect for contemporary man anymore as it was in the nineteenth century when the man had not time for family because he had to /make ends meet./
  As far as the role of the children is concerned, presently the have access to various electronic and electical discoveries. Nowadays, they can easily broaden their horizons. Having access to the Internet they have the whole world /within/ their hands. /Compare to children from/ the nineteenth century they have not got many duties at home.
  To sum up the model of the family today and the model of the family in the nineteenth century vary in many aspects. In the twenty first century woman and man share their duties while in the nineteenth century position of woman was meaningfully inferior.

zaraz, zaraz, masz zaznaczone bledy i sama ich nie poprawiasz?
Wiadomo, że każdy je inaczej poprawi i chciałabym poznać też inne spojrzenia na tą pracę. Jeśli się nie zgodzicie na taki obrót rzeczy mogę je sama poprawić i dopiero poczekać na Waszą opinię.
to jest TWOJE zadanier. Nikomu innemu nie zależy na poprawieniu tej pracy i nauczeniu sie czegoś przy tej okazji bardziej niż Tobie. Popraw sama, podaj te poprawki, a może ktoś jeszcze się wypowie.
Two Family Models
  The family model has been changing dramatically for last 200 years / through centuries but a model family is still a nucleus consisting of the father, mother and children and each member is expected to play their roles. If we want to compare the model of the family today to the model of the family in the nineteenth century we should take into account some of the basic similarities and differences between the most important aspects in the family life such as role of the woman, role of the man and role of the children.
  First of all, taking into consideration position of the woman, one may notice that contemporary woman has equal rights in various spheres of life, for example she has the right to work and receive salary as equal as the man. Furthermore, woman can vote in the election. In the nineteenth century, woman had to be responsible in the caring for the children and keeping the house. She could not develop herself and make her career. Instead of making money she had to make dinner for the family and stay at home.
  If we discuss role of the man, it seems that at present, man is not the only bread winner at home. Unlike the man in the past he is supposed to engage and participate in the family life. Babysitting is not a bashful aspect for contemporary man anymore as it was in the nineteenth century when the man had not time for children because he had to support family.
  As far as the role of the children is concerned, presently the have access to various electronic and electrical discoveries. Nowadays, they can easily broaden their horizons. Having access to the Internet they have the whole world within arm’s reach. In addition, they have not got many duties at home while traditionally, the children from the nineteenth century were expected to show respect and help their parents.
  To sum up the model of the family today and the model of the family in the nineteenth century varies in many aspects. In the twenty-first century woman and man share their duties while in the nineteenth century position of woman was meaningfully inferior.

The family model has been changing dramatically for last 200 years / through centuries but a model family is still a nucleus consisting of the father, mother and children and each member is expected to play their roles.
  First of all, taking into consideration (brak przedimka) position of the woman, one may notice that contemporary woman has equal rights in various spheres of life, for example she has the right to work and receive salary 'as' (niepotr slowo) equal 'as' (zle slowo) (tu brakuje pare innych slowo) 'the' (wg mnie powinnien byc inny przedimek) man. Furthermore, (przedimek) woman can vote in 'the' (zly przedimek) election. In the nineteenth century, (przedimek) woman had to be responsible 'in' (zle slowo) the 'caring' (daj inne slowo) 'for' (zle slowo) the children and keeping the house. She could not develop herself and make 'her' (zle slowo) career. Instead of making money she had to make dinner for the family and stay at home.
  If we discuss (przedimek) role of the man, it seems that at present, man is not the only 'bread winner' (to jest jedno slowo) at home.
Babysitting is not aS bashful aspect for contemporary man anymore as it was in the nineteenth century when the man 'had not time' (napisz to inaczej) for children because he had to support (przedimek) family.
  As far as the role of the children is concerned, presently 'the' (zle slowo) have access to various electronic and electrical 'discoveries' (daj inne slowo).

In the twenty-first century (przedimek) woman and (przedimek) man share their duties while in the nineteenth century (przedimek) position of (przedimek) woman was meaningfully inferior.

Co Ty robisz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)?. Prosze je uzywac, bo bez tego zdania sa niegrammatyczne.
Dziękuję za poprawki i trafne spostrzeżenia, zawsze miałam problem z przedimkami ale wczoraj zjadłam prawie wszystkie :) jeśli znalazłby się jeszcze ktoś skłonny przeczytać moje wypociny i zasugerować dalsze poprawki będę wdzięczna.

Two Family Models
  The family model has been changing dramatically for last 200 years / through centuries but a model family is still a nucleus consisting of the father, mother and children and each member is expected to play their roles. If we want to compare the model of the family today to the model of the family in the nineteenth century we should take into account some of the basic similarities and differences between the most important aspects in the family life such as role of the woman, role of the man and role of the children.
  First of all, taking into consideration the position of the woman, one may notice that contemporary woman has equal rights in various spheres of life, for example she has the right to work and receives the same salary as a man. Furthermore, the woman can vote in a election. In the nineteenth century, a woman had to be responsible for the caring about the children and keeping the house. She could not develop herself and make a career. Instead of making money she had to make dinner for the family and stay at home.
  If we discuss a role of the man, it seems that at present, man is not the only breadwinner at home. Unlike the man in the past he is supposed to engage and participate in the family life. Babysitting is not as bashful aspect for contemporary man anymore as it was in the nineteenth century when the man did not participate actively in taking care of children because he had to support the family.
  As far as the role of the children is concerned, presently they have access to various electronic and electrical devices. Nowadays, they can easily broaden their horizons. Having access to the Internet they have the whole world within arm’s reach. In addition, they have not got many duties at home while traditionally, the children from the nineteenth century were expected to show respect and help their parents.
  To sum up the model of the family today and the model of the family in the nineteenth century varies in many aspects. In the twenty-first century the woman and the man share their duties while in the nineteenth century position of woman was meaningfully inferior.

 The family model has been changing dramatically for last 200 years / throughOUT centuries (ja zawsze lubie precinek przed but, dlatego, ze teraz dajesz nowa mysl) but a 'model family' (tutaj jest ciekawie - ja mysle, ze 'family model' jako jednostka rodzinna,) is still a nucleus consisting of the father, mother and children and each member is expected to play their OWN roles. If we want to compare the 'model of the family' (daj to inaczej, family model) today to the 'model of the family' (family model) in the nineteenth century we should take into account some of the basic similarities and differences between the most important aspects in 'the' (wydaje mi sie ze tutaj jest niepotr) family life such as role of the woman, role of the man and role of the children.
  First of all, taking into consideration the position of the woman, one may notice that contemporary woman has equal rights in various spheres of life, for example she has the right to work and 'receives' (nie, tutaj ma byc 'to receive' bo ona ma 'right to work' to i 'right to receive') the same salary as a man. Furthermore, the woman can vote in 'a' (tak, ale tutaj AN) election. In the nineteenth century, a woman had to be responsible for the 'caring' CARE 'about' OF the children and keeping the house. She could not develop herself and 'make' (to mi sie wydaje kalka z polskiego, tutaj wolalabym, HAVE-miec) a career.

  Babysitting is not as bashful aspect for contemporary man anymore as it was in the nineteenth century when the man did not participate actively in taking care of (przedimek) children because he had to support the family.
  In addition, they have not got many duties at home while traditionally, the children from the nineteenth century were expected to show respect and help their parents (tutaj mozesz dodac, ze musialy pracowac od malego wieku np. 6 or 7 lat w ciezkich warunkach).
  To sum up the 'model of the family' (family model) today and the 'model of the family' (family model) in the nineteenth century varies in many aspects. In the twenty-first century the woman and the man share their duties while in the nineteenth century (brak przedimka) position of (brak przedimka) woman was meaningfully inferior (moze dlatego, ze musiala polegac na mezczyznie zeby dal jej co jesc i dach nad glowa).

Why is there for last 200 years / throughOUT centuries?
I can't decide wtat to choose
200 lat to TYLKO 2 centuries, hardly throughout;)
..for THE last 200 years
thanks a lot!
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